Tag Archives: youtube

Rather Droll Ted Talk

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered a rather droll talk. It is a satire of a satire, and includes a bit of pointed discussion about PowerPoint presentations.

It also includes interpretive dance.

Although the talk gets a bit political at the end, I thought it was well worth the time to watch; it was quite droll.

I wish you a good Tuesday.

This is how you make a Geek Dystopian Ad.

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Ok, so I just saw the weirdest, terrifyingly hilariousest thing I’ve seen in quite a while. It’s an advertisement for a product called… “Soylent”. Starring an overly-helpful robot.

Here’s the ad.

And here are two reasons why this ad is so dang weird to me.

Happy Sunday!

How Rogue One Should Have Ended

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So, the posts have basically been like ALL the YouTubes this week!

Oh well. I’m not going to stop now…

After all, there’s a new How It Should Have Ended for Rogue One!

(Personally, I thought there was a small part in here that was a bit more sad than anything in the movie itself… Primarily because they reference Alan Tudyk’s role in Firefly… Yes, I do think it was “too soon”…)

Anyway. Enjoy, and Happy Saturday!

There’s a reason Kangaroos don’t use trampolines.

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So, I just found out… there’s a reason Kangaroos don’t invest in Trampolines for their backyards.

Is it because they do not have backyards?


Well, that’s not the reason I was going with. I mean, assuming Kangaroos did have backyards, they wouldn’t invest in the things.

Because it doesn’t end well. There’s footage.


AMAZING artsy music

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So, I was recently shown a really cool music thingy. It’s very pretty, both in terms of sound, and in terms of sight. You see, the composer decided to compose by making the notes into the picture of the thing. Well, it’s a bit hard to explain. But here. This one is called “Bird in Rain”, or something like that.
