Tag Archives: youtube

90s Nostalgia Video

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There’s a YouTube channel I’m enjoying, called Doormonster. And a while ago, they made a video with 90s nostalgia stuff. And since we’re getting on towards the end of the year, and therefore to a time for looking back and reflecting, I thought this was a valid time to share.


Another fan-video– Stranger Things Song!

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So, there’s this YouTube channel–

–Isn’t there always…


Anyway. This one does fan music, in the style of The Thing being fanned over.

And that sentence broke, but I’m not taking time to change it.

So. As I was saying. This guy just created one for Stranger Things. And it sounds, as expected, basically exactly right.

Enjoy! (Head’s up: Video contains spoilers for Season 2.)

Star Wars Speeders!

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


So. Halloween was less than a week ago (barely) and there are a lot of great costumes that happened.

One set of particular note included motorcycles designed to look like the speeders from Star Wars VI.

The chase is worth watching. At least a part of.
