Tag Archives: youtube

Following Fluffy’s Post…

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So. Fluffy shared yesterday about the show Hamilton being converted to a Weird Al Polka.

Well, the original creator of Hamilton (who’s apparently a major fan of Weird Al) filmed himself listening to the polka for the first time. And the result is precious!

(The creator, Lin Manuel-Miranda, is on the right.)


Most dramatic “Tea Pot” Performance… Ever.

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I encountered this video on my Facebook feed, and had to share. It’s Benedict Cumberbatch (<- yes, I can spell it without needing to look it up first) and he does a performance of "I'm a little teapot". And it is excellent.

(Note: This is not an endorsement of the thing being endorsed. Just of the quality of the video.


Tide Ad

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So. As you’re probably aware, a big sporting event was on Sunday. And one of the perks of this event is that it comes with sometimes fun commercials!

One that I thought was great (and that I only know about because some friends shared it with me) is the Tide Ad.


Amusing use for rubber ducks

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I realize I may have done you a disservice the other day, with my title about ducks belonging on the head. You see, that’s really not the only thing they’re good for.

James Veitch, a fun YouTube personality, provides a nice demonstration of other uses.
