Tag Archives: youtube

For a weird start to your day…

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Somebody shared this recently, and it was weird enough that I had to use it as “fluff material.”

It’s someone’s version (/attempt) of the Imperial March from Star Wars in a Major Key, instead of its usual minor. There are a few chords I’d have modified, but it still works. So, here it is!

New Simon’s Cat! Fish Tank.

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Wow, this is the week for updates from some of my favorite YouTube artists!

Ok, so the Hillywood Sherlock Teaser was barely over a week ago. I’m still counting it. (And no, I don’t really even mind that Fluffy posted that one before me. She did a pretty reasonable job explaining why it was a good trailer. Maybe a bit wordsy, but whatever.)

And there was also a Lindsey Stirling video that came out.

And as of yesterday, there’s also a new “Simon’s Cat” video!

It’s called “Fish Tank.”


New Lindsey Stirling Video — Pete’s Dragon inspired(?)

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I think I’ve shared some of Lindsey Stirling’s works on this blog before. She’s a talented musician, and I like some of her work.

Anyway. This week, she released a new video. It’s got a nice sound to it, even if she isn’t as featured as usual.

It’s also… Pete’s Dragon inspired? I’m not quite sure how that works, since the new release (which it’s based off of) isn’t even out yet. But, there ya go. Who knows.

Anyway, happy Friday!

New Honest Trailer! The Bourne Trilogy

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Hey there!

In large part to help me spread out my enjoyment of the new Harry Potter story, I spent a bit of time on YouTube last night. And one of my discoveries is that there’s a new Honest Trailer! This one’s for the (original) Bourne Trilogy.

As a full head’s up: The original material is PG-13. I think the “trailer” is about that level. It’s certainly nothing above that, and may be well below it.

Anyway. Enjoy! Happy Wednesday!

New Star Wars Spin-off Footage!

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I am somewhat excited. Yesterday, new footage of the spin-off Star Wars movie (Rogue One) was released. And it includes some behind the scenes stuff. It looks really cool. And it’s an interesting way to do a trailer.

So, enjoy! Happy Saturday!

Finding Nemo Honest Trailer!

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In the category of catching up on YouTube things that I could have shared earlier… In addition to the “How it Should Have Ended” for Finding Nemo, there’s also an Honest Trailer out for it!

Just… stop watching once the “name” of the thing comes up, if you don’t want the movie completely ruined for you. (It’s at about 3:15). You’ve been warned.

Have a lovely Saturday!


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I just realized a serious oversight on my part.

I never shared any “literal” trailers with you.

I was introduced to them about six years ago. It is run by the YouTube channel “Tobuscus.” And the Literal Trailers take trailers… and sing about what’s going on.

One of the best ones is the Harry Potter one.

Enjoy! And happy Friday!