Tag Archives: youtube

Moana — Alan Tudyk makes FANTASTIC chicken noises!

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So, a couple days ago, I went to go see Moana. I enjoyed it a lot.

One of the things I liked best (in part because I knew about it ahead of time) was that Alan Tudyk (K2 from Rogue One, Wash from Firefly, etc.) voiced the chicken.

Well, rooster.

You know.

And there’s proof.

Happy Thursday!

Ringing In the New Year (Part 2)

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Greetings, readers!

As mentioned yesterday, a series of carillon videos to ring out (and in) the New Year seemed appropriate.

I hope you enjoy this one featuring the Game of Thrones theme. (My apologies for not embedding it– the video seems to be resistant to such suggestions.)

Happy Friday.


Ringing In the New Year (Pt 1)

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Greetings, readers!

From what I understand, “Ringing In (or out) the New Year” is a tradition some follow.

In honor of that, TotalFluff will be running a series with a different Carillon (or Bell Tower) YouTube video between now and the beginning of the new year. The first is a playing of the Harry Potter theme.

I hope you enjoy and have a good Thursday.

In (belated) honor of a new movie…

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So, some of you may be aware of the movie “Assassin’s Creed” that came out a bit ago.

It’s (apparently) based on a video game franchise I haven’t played. It may be interesting. I don’t know.

But in honor of that, I’m sharing with you the “Literal Trailer” for the trailer for the first game of the franchise! It’s another of my favorites, so I hope you enjoy!

Happy Tuesday!

Liam Neeson as Mall Santa

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As some of you are probably aware, there’s a video of Liam Neeson that came out pretty recently. It’s of him “auditioning to be a Mall Santa.”

For some background: Liam Neeson is the one who played Qui-Gon. He also played a few other major action-y parts, including the main lead (so I understand) from the movie “Taken.” (In that film, there is a fairly famous speech about how he will track someone down, and on…)

So, yeah. Enjoy the “Mall Santa Audition”!

“Turkey Recipe”

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Greetings, readers!

From what I understand, Thanksgiving happens this week in America. According to what I have found, traditional food includes roast turkey.

I recently encountered a rather, ah, remarkable YouTube video pertaining to roasting a turkey.

It may not quite be up to Rube Goldberg standards, but it is fairly close.

Have a lovely Sunday..