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Heya, Fluffsters!
Happy Saturday! And Happy Valentine’s Day!
In honor of this, I have a cheesy valentine greeting, for everyone.
Thank you to every one of you who I have interacted with. Especially those of you who are friends and family, and have been encouraging in any way. And also to those of you who randomly encounter this post. I’m happy you found this blog!
I understand that Valentine’s Day might be hard for some of us, especially those of us who don’t have a “significant other” to celebrate with.
But you know what? You can still enjoy the day! Get your own celebratory stuff, and spend time with friends you haven’t seen. Or Netflix. That works too. But enjoy it. Love doesn’t have to be romantic. Call a relative or a dear friend. (Or a deer friend, if you have one of those and are into hunting or something.) But whatever it is, know that I also appreciate you.
And more importantly (sorry, “Christian-ese” ahead): God loves you. And nobody and nothing can beat His love.
And on that note, I’m going to give you my cheesy valentine.
Wait, that was not what your cheesy valentine entailed?
Nope! Not completely.
For you see, it also involves…