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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, yesterday was a good day for trailers.
Really, we agree on this?
Yep! The new Finding Dory trailer came out!
Ah… That is not quite the one I was thinking of. For you see, the new Jessica Jones trailer also came out. (Warning: This trailer is not as “child friendly” as the Finding Dory trailer.)
Uh… Yeah, that’s definitely not going to be as kid-friendly as Finding Dory. I mean, they put David Tennant in purple?
Yes…? Why is that a problem?
I don’t know. It just seems… odd.
Well, that might be because he is the villain.
he is therefore supposed to look a bit disturbing. Or at least villainous. The purple helps with that.
…Whatever. Anyway, Finding Dory is also coming out at some point. And hence the trailer. Trailers. Whatever.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, I am REALLY excited to announce that the newest Star Wars trailer is out!!
And it looks FANTASTIC.
I mean, seriously. I LOVE Disney trailers. And this one has some of the great elements of the good ones. Matching the Epic Music swells exactly to scene changes? Check. Matching epic music to gestures? Check.
Again, I say, seriously. That was a really good trailer. Especially after the first minute or so. And Han! “It’s true… All of it.”
Almost as good as “Chewie… We’re home!”
Or something.
Seriously. I am on a major Fangirl High about this thing. Can December please get here? Now? (And besides, then I’d be done with all that I need to do before then…?)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go rewatch that trailer.
Have a lovely Tuesday!
(Oh, right. As a side note– this is post 995. That should be significantish or something.)
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Greetings, readers!
Are you aware of the BBC show “Sherlock”? For those of you who are unaware, it is a BBC production of Sherlock Holms, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Under normal circumstances, it is a modern-day retelling.
This Christmas, however, they are releasing a Christmas Special set in the Victorian Era.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
…yes. At least it’s been a while since I’ve posted about it this time. But, yeah.
You see, I knew that Disney had been going through live-action reboots of their old classics. And I knew that Jungle Book was one on their list. And if I hadn’t been so distracted by the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle, I would probably have been a little more excited about it when I first found out.
After all, the animated version was a fun kids’ movie, with some delightfully cheerful music. And the book had a similarly whimsical tone to it. Granted, there was definitely some slightly darker material, but overall it was a kids’ story. Kipling is like that.
And now the new trailer is out.
Have you watched it yet? I’ll wait.
So, done watching?
I mean, seriously.
Here are some reasons I expect a PG-13 movie, judging from the trailer.
1) The whole thing is narrated from Kaa’s perspective. That’s instant creep-factor right there. (Nice going having another female villain-y type person, though…)
2)The setting looks intense. They used a live-action TIGER. As the VILLAIN. (In Life of Pi, at least the tiger was a semi-protagonist… or something.)
3) They’re STEALING A LOT FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. First, they point out that it’s from the same studio. THEN they use pretty much the SAME STYLE OF MUSIC. Down to some of the SAME MOTIFS. Seriously! LISTEN TO IT!
So, yeah. This looks like it’s not exactly going to be the little kids’ movie that the animated version was. Or the whimsical kids’ story that Kipling wrote.
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Even so, it might be a good movie. Just… not the one I was (am?) expecting. I’m not sure. Disney kindof also did the whole bait and switch thing with Maleficent, with making it look dark and then still having it be pretty much a cheesy kids’ movie.
And they ended it with a whistling of Bear Necessities / Bare Necessities. Which… really didn’t fit the tone. O_o But whatever. Their trailer. Not mine.
Yeah. So, I’m really not sure what to think, besides, “WHAT THE HECK?!?!”
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Greetings, readers!
I am postponing the Webmaster’s current plans for today’s post, in light of a very interesting update from the franchise of “The Hunger Games”.
In case you were not aware– starting with one of the earlier movies, the studio producing the Hunger Games movies put out a series of “in-universe” propaganda videos. (They were presented as though the propaganda was to members of the Hunger Games world. It was very effective for those who were familiar with the universe.)
Yesterday, there was a new propaganda video released.
What I found especially fantastic, (in addition to it pointing out the theoretical implications of how District 13 may be turning into a “Capitol Look-Alike”) was the subversion of the Mockingjay symbol.
For those of you who do not remember, this is what the transition from the book “Catching Fire” to “Mockingjay” looked like:
If you look at the end of the new propaganda piece, you should notice that now the Mockingjay’s “wings” have turned into the soldiers of war.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet or not. But there’s a new movie coming out in a while. It revolves around “the secret lives of pets.” It looks amusing. I’ve included the trailer below.
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Greetings, readers!
This post might not normally qualify as “fluff”, since it is not a particularly fluffy post.
Nope. It is here to inform you that there is a movie called “The Stanford Prison Experiment” is coming out this summer. A trailer for it was posted a few days ago.
As a warning, you might find it a bit disturbing.
Now, as an explanation: This movie is based on a real incident. The Stanford Prison Experiment actually happened. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why researchers in your world now need to fill out “Institute Review Board” applications for permission to do their experiments involving human subjects.
What I find interesting is that this is an infamous piece of research, and it is being turned into a movie. That is, a piece of academia is coming to theaters.
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Greetings, readers!
YouTube has an amusing sense of timing. I was on YouTube fairly late last night, since I do not follow your world’s normal sleep schedule, and YouTube decided to show me the new Hunger Games movie trailer as one of the advertisements.
(Here is the trailer, by the way: )
What I found amusing is how well YouTube seems to know the demographic. I expect that it is showing this trailer to a number of people. However, it especially makes sense to play it late at night, since (from what I understand) that is when a large part of the target demographic is usually up and most of the non-target-demographic is usually not.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I just found out today that there’s another new Disney-Pixar movie being worked on. This one is themed dinosaurs, and there’s a trailer for it that was released yesterday.