Tag Archives: trailer

ANOTHER new trailer! (Doctor Strange!!!)

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Hey, Fluffsters!

So. There’s another new trailer, for another new movie that I’m looking forward to. It’s a Teaser Trailer for “Doctor Strange.”

It looks like it’s going to have some fantastic effects!

Yes, the pun was intended.

Have a lovely day!

Ad for a Trailer

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. Trailers. They’ve really changed over the course of the years…

These days, they’re an art form all to themselves.

And why do I say this? Well, because there are now advertisements for the trailers. Like, seriously. “Hey, here’s an ad for your ad!”

In related news, though, I’m definitely hoping to watch that trailer when it comes out later today!

Have a lovely day!

WOW there are a lot of trailers this week…

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I’m going to take this moment to say, my goodness there are a lot of trailers that came out recently.

Yes, today’s post is another trailer.

Because there’s a new Tarzan trailer.

And although there is a LOT wrong with the book for today’s culture. So it definitely should not stay true to the book if it wants to succeed. (To be fair, I did find it amusing and enjoyed reading it. Especially since it’s available for free from project Gutenberg.)

So, yeah. I’m not quite sure what I think of the fact that there’s going to be a live-action version of Tarzan. It has the potential to be… interesting.

Anyway, here’s the trailer.

Have a lovely Friday!

I’m fairly sure I had a good topic in the shower

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’m fairly sure I had a good idea for a post in the shower. I don’t remember it, though. So, here’s the “new” Superman vs. Batman trailer that I’m about a month late in posting.

Meh, whatever.

I’m sure I’m supposed to be all excited about “ooh, yay, they’re throwing WonderWoman in”. So “ooh yay. They’re throwing Wonder Woman in. Yippee.”

Similarly, I’m guessing I’m probably supposed to be thrilled about… the villain. (I’m not sure how to spell his name, and the Google is temporarily unavailable.) However, I just think he sounds more like the Joker than… the villain… he’s supposed to be playing. I mean, he does look like an interesting character. Possibly the only one in the movie. But, yeah… That would be because he seems reminiscent of The Joker.

It also looks like it’s going to be another one of those “dark for the sake of darkness” movies that D.C. has been doing recently. Like, with the Man of Steel show.

And (sorry fans) Superman is a boring character.

(Maybe that’s why I’m not as much a fan of Captain America, either…?)

And seriously. The way they threw in WonderWoman. (Wonder-Woman? Wonder Woman?) Token Female Lead. Except, she’s apparently not really a lead. Since after all, it’s Superman vs. Batman. No, umm, “Token Female’s Name” to be found.

I may see it if it gets really good reviews, but I don’t know.

And all that casual destruction. Per usual for D.C..

Ok, so, per usual for superhero movies in general. But at least Marvel’s been addressing it, to an extent, with shows like DareDevil and Jessica Jones.

DC has yet to do so, as far as I’m aware.

So, yeah.

Trailer shared, and I can mark that off my “to-do” list for this blog.

Have a lovely Wednesday.

Trailer for Captain America: Civil War

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you may have seen, there’s a new Captain America trailer that came out a few days ago.

Here it is. It’s a cultural event, so you should probably watch it. Whatever.

I take it you are not that excited about it?

Meh, kinda.

It looks a lot more “DC” in style than what I’m used to with Marvel. Mostly.


Maybe not at all.

Ok, so actually, it looks more “Captain America dark heavy let’s be political and philosophical angsty” than “Avengers Funny.”

And although I enjoyed that darkness and depth in Daredevil and Jessica Jones, when I go to a Marvel movie, I like the fluff and silliness found in movies like Guardians of the Galaxy!

So for me, the primary redeeming feature of this trailer is the appearance of Spiderman. Hopefully they keep him a bit snarky.

Because that’s fluff and fun.

Otherwise, I really may as well go see the new D.C. movie coming out instead.

So, yeah. Have a lovely Tuesday!

The upcoming release of Pete’s Dragon looks different.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. Disney is re-releasing a lot of its old classics. The one I most recently found out about is Pete’s Dragon. It was one of my favorites growing up. And there’s now a new version coming out this year. The trailer was released yesterday.

It looks very different.

I mean, seriously.

That is a totally different feel. Just look at their dragon, for one. The new one? Although the wings still probably wouldn’t work from a physics perspective, it’s not as adorable looking as the original Elliot’s pink wings.

And I didn’t see any signs of the over-the-top “happiest home in the hills” family either.

In all honesty, it looks a bit more like Jungle Book than Pete’s Dragon.

But it might still be an ok movie. I’m withholding judgement until closer to the release date.

Have a lovely week!

A version of Pride and Prejudice I might enjoy…

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed that a former Doctor from Doctor Who (Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor) is in the upcoming movie version of “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” I thus found a trailer. It is a bit bloodier than some things shared, but I think this might actually be a version I could potentially enjoy.

I doubt they will address my still existing issues with the original, but at least the zombies should add an interesting element. Matt Smith should also add character.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Obligatory Post about New Captain America Trailer

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Greetings, readers.

I think I may be obligated to inform you that there is a new Marvel trailer out.

It is for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.

The video is below.

I am not particularly thrilled about this. It looks like it will once again be a ham-handed political commentary that most people will not even recognize, per usual with the Captain America movies.

Take “Winter SOldier”, for example. That was clearly a discussion of the tradeoffs between moderate Liberal Internationalism, and over-the-top, taken-to-its-extremes to the point of almost being a Straw Man representation of International Realism. (In case you could not tell, I found that movie annoying. However, I have only seen it once. It is possible that it is not as bad (philosophically speaking) as I am remembering.)

Thus, my obligatory presentation of the trailer. I am not especially excited for this movie; I expect that there will once more be unfair, ham-handed misrepresentations of political theory for the purpose of exploring Hollywood’s philosophical preferences. Worse, people are going to love it.

Have a nice Friday.