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So, I’m a bit excited. I just discovered there was another Doctor Strange trailer that I’d been unaware of! It’s in the first minute or so of this video.
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SO, the final Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them trailer is out!! And it’s… fantastic. (<- Sorry, not sorry. Couldn't resist.)
I really Like what they did with the American Wizards. And it sounds like there might be a tie-in to one of the World Wars, since Grindelwald was mentioned. And the music sounds pretty epic, too!
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Greetings, readers!
There is a new small behind-the-scenes out for the forthcoming live action version of Beauty and the Beast. It is actually primarily an advertisement for additional features found on the digital release of the classic version that came out two days ago. However, the little seen here is worth watching. (As a note, the teaser trailer is also included in this.)
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Greetings, readers!
I am surprised I am beating the Webmaster to this post; it is about a new Star Wars Universe Trailer. This one is the International Trailer.
My apologies for posting one with non-English subtitles.
What I find fascinating are the differences between the American Trailer and the International one. (No, the subtitles do not qualify.)
The one I immediately noticed was the different scoring used.
The American version, you may recall, uses variations on the Imperial March. Except (surprisingly) at the very end when in addition to the imperial march, there is a small hint of the Rebel’s Theme with The Reveal. (I am trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible.)
This one, however, utilizes the Rebellion Theme from the very beginning, and then primarily chords and emptiness. It does not paint the same picture of darkness, but instad gives a bit more of a sense of… hope?
The time the Imperial March really comes through, however, is at the end. At it is definitely interesting to me that at the end of the International Trailer, there is not the hint of the Rebel’s Theme.
It is also quite interesting that in both the scores, the main theme being used is played on piano. It is a slightly more subtle time; neither are as fully developed as in the events of the original movies.
It am quite looking forward to haring how the full scoring for the movie goes.
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Ok, I now (once again) completely understand why there are trailers for trailers, and right now am no longer even annoyed.
The new “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” trailer is out as of about 13 hours ago, and THE TRAILER is an amazing piece of art that is worth being advertised.
I mean, seriously.
The use of the Imperial March motif throughout the entire trailer sets the mood So. Perfectly. Yes, it is during the height of the empire’s power. It’s a slightly darker time.
And the scene with the AT-ATs? And imperial TANKS? Those were just stunning. And potentially slightly terrifying.
Given that the trailer was able to communicate so much, I’m now suddenly reasonably ok with it being advertised… even if it’s supposed to be an advertisement itself. It is worth it.
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Ok, I admit it. Right now I’m definitely really appreciating the San Diego Comic Con. It’s providing a lot of easy, reasonable content for this blog. Hooray for not needing to work hard!
Yep. Anyway. There’s another very worthwhile trailer that debuted at SDCC just a couple days ago: A new trailer for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
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I think I officially have a love/hate relationship with San Diego ComiCon. On the one hand, I hate it because there is practically no way I anticipate being able to go anytime in this next decade or three. On the other hand, THERE IS SO MUCH AWESOME STUFF THAT GETS DEBUTED THERE!!
I mean, seriously. Benedict Cumberbatch. It’s not good enough that he’s got an amazing name, plays an incredibly popular “high functioning sociopath” who can basically read through reality, plays a dragon, and is generally fantastic in general… he now gets to play a wizard who bends reality.