Tag Archives: stuffed animals

Favorite Stuffed Animal (NaBloPoMo 1)

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!

Hello, everyone! Happy May!

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m going to be trying to participate in a NaBloPoMo thingamabop. So if you’re here from that, welcome! I hope you enjoy this site!

Anywho. Today’s prompt is

“Did you have a favorite stuffed animal or lovey as a child? Tell us about it.”

Before I answer… Fluffy, did you?

…Of course you’re having me answer this before answering it yourself.

As it happens, I’m not entirely sure what your world means by stuffed animals… Peeves was a bit stuffed after she ate too much. But is that really what you mean?

Oh. I can see where that would be confusing!

But no. Stuffed animals are animal toys, usually fairly soft. Actually, I’m surprised I haven’t featured more of them; they fit Total Fluff perfectly!

When I was younger, for example, I used to have a lot of stuffed animals. Beanie Babies, Disney character animals, other miscellaneous stuffed animals, I loved them.

It made me so happy when I got my first horse stuffed animals one Christmas, shortly after I started horseback riding lessons. One was from my sister. It was a fairly big appaloosa stuffed animal, with a lovely red scarf around its neck. Because I was so original, his name was Apple.

Sometime shortly after that, one of my really good friends from that time got me a smaller appaloosa.

One of my two absolute favorite stuffed animals, though, is a GIGANTIC PINK UNICORN. Again, my sister got that one for me!

One of my other favorite stuffed animals was Chip the Cat. He’s an example of a pillow-pal, I believe, by TY. He was a birthday gift one year from a very good friend. When I got him, he was the softest thing in the world. At this point, he’s a little worn. But he’s still one of my other favorites.

But I got distracted. Does that explanation of “stuffed animals” make more sense?

Ok. I know what you’re talking about, now! And yes, I had one. And it was my favorite.

My parents, on my fifth birthday, gave me a toy that looked exactly like Peeves. I loved it, and brought it with me everywhere. I eventually outgrew it, of course. But I think my parents still have it somewhere. It might still even be used as one of the props in their performances sometimes.

Aww, that’s sweet!

You didn’t tell me you were going to get sentimental on me. Otherwise, I might not have said anything!

Why do you think I didn’t warn you about sentimentality?

… Good point.

But anywho. How about you, readers? Did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were growing up?