Tag Archives: sleep

I guess I’m sleep-typing (NaBloPoMo 2)

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!

Hello again, everyone!

And if you’re here from the BlogHer challenge, Hi! Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. If you want to comment below to let me know you’re here, I’d love to meet you via the Interwebz!

Anywho, I know that you’re here for the content. So I’d like to get there. But I’m actually a bit confused by today’s prompt. You see, it’s:

Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal now?

And now? I’m writing this blog post. So how can I still be asleep?

Simple. This is a dream. You’re sleep-typing.

…Oh. Why didn’t I think of that?


So, if you are sleep-typing, are you sleeping with a stuffed animal?

Technically, no. At least probably not. I can’t quite tell; it feels so much like I’m awake! But if I am asleep, I’m either using my bright orange squish pillow, my absolute favorite doll of all time (that once again my sister gave me; the doll’s been mine since before I can remember) or maybe the felt superhero one of my really good friends sewed for me. Or maybe nothing. As I said it all depends.

That sounds comfortable.

It is. So, Fluffy, what about you?

I’m sort of trapped in the internet, remember? I’m your website’s personality?

But if I’m sleep-typing, I must be in the land of dreams, right? That means that you’re also here, in the land of dreams. So you can’t be in the internet.

That… almost made sense.

Well, back home, Peeves would normally cuddle. I haven’t really slept with a fake animal for a while. Not since Peeves grew sturdy enough to sleep in bed with me. So, after dinner I guess I slept with a stuffed animal!

Aww, that sound’s cute!

Well, if I’m dream typing, I may as well wish you all a happy Thursday anyways. Who knows, maybe this will actually be a genuine blog post for Thursday morning?

And how about you, readers? Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Or something comfortable?