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Greetings, readers! This is Fluffy.
As I mentioned recently, I played both Portal 1 and 2 recently. Since I reviewed Portal 1 multiple times already (with an in-depth and brief review), I thought that I would give you a review of Portal 2.
The game was definitely excellent, and I recommend it, for several reasons.
Game Mechanics.
The controls were again intuitive, easy, and smooth. The graphics flowed, and I did not encounter any bugs or glitches that I can recall. I am sure that glitches happen, but I do not think I encountered any of them. Portal 2 did an excellent job with the mechanics.
The game designers did a brilliant job of creating an immersive world. Depictions of overgrowth and “broken” paths indicate how old and worn-down the environment is. The designers similarly depicted “older” and “newer” areas admirably. The total experience portrayed what the designers wanted quite excellently.
There are some rather amusing characters in Portal 2. Each is given its own visual quirk and its own voice. The effects work together quite nicely to create a variety of characters that the player gets to know and appreciate.
I did not anticipate what the story was going to be like, or how dark the game was going to be. It was reasonably thought out, but it was very different from what some of the trailers indicated. It also seemed to have a few needless complications. (Spoiler: Why did we need GLaDOS’s back-story? Or the backstory of the labs?)
Puzzle Issues
There were a few too many elements in any given location to make the puzzles as friendly as I had hoped. More specifically, there were too many hidden locations where you did, in fact, need to have precise control to hit things precisely in order to solve the puzzle. There was a lot more “Twitch-factor” involved in this game than I would have hoped for a puzzle game.
I guess that is my only real critique of the game. Overall, it was well done. I expect that people who normally play video games who for some reason have not yet played Portal 2 would enjoy it a lot. I recommend the game.