Tag Archives: reviews

Review of Portal 2

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Greetings, readers! This is Fluffy.

As I mentioned recently, I played both Portal 1 and 2 recently. Since I reviewed Portal 1 multiple times already (with an in-depth and brief review), I thought that I would give you a review of Portal 2.

The game was definitely excellent, and I recommend it, for several reasons.


Game Mechanics.

The controls were again intuitive, easy, and smooth. The graphics flowed, and I did not encounter any bugs or glitches that I can recall. I am sure that glitches happen, but I do not think I encountered any of them. Portal 2 did an excellent job with the mechanics.


The game designers did a brilliant job of creating an immersive world. Depictions of overgrowth and “broken” paths indicate how old and worn-down the environment is. The designers similarly depicted “older” and “newer” areas admirably. The total experience portrayed what the designers wanted quite excellently.


There are some rather amusing characters in Portal 2. Each is given its own visual quirk and its own voice. The effects work together quite nicely to create a variety of characters that the player gets to know and appreciate.



I did not anticipate what the story was going to be like, or how dark the game was going to be. It was reasonably thought out, but it was very different from what some of the trailers indicated. It also seemed to have a few needless complications. (Spoiler: Why did we need GLaDOS’s back-story? Or the backstory of the labs?)

Puzzle Issues

There were a few too many elements in any given location to make the puzzles as friendly as I had hoped. More specifically, there were too many hidden locations where you did, in fact, need to have precise control to hit things precisely in order to solve the puzzle. There was a lot more “Twitch-factor” involved in this game than I would have hoped for a puzzle game.

I guess that is my only real critique of the game. Overall, it was well done. I expect that people who normally play video games who for some reason have not yet played Portal 2 would enjoy it a lot. I recommend the game.

Portal to another world: Portal Game Recommendation

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Greetings, readers!

I hope you had an excellent Christmas.

I spent much of mine playing a game called “Portal” for the first time. It is quite amusing, and I highly recommend it.

For those of you who are curious, here is a trailer for the game.

The trailer sets a great feel for what the game itself is like, although I never encountered the descending spikes. That might be a “harder level” “feature”. I do not know.

I enjoyed the game a lot, however, and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys puzzles. It starts of simply, and gradually builds your required skills. It does so in a very natural way, however.

In all, I found it to be an excellent game. If you get the game, I hope you enjoy it.

I wish you a joyous Friday!

Random Digits- Revisited

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Greetings, readers!

I was once more exploring some of the archives of this site, and found the book review of “A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates” from RAND. I revisited that page, and thought I would share some of my favorite “helpful” reviews:

  • Pretty good, but why 1 million random digits and 100,000 normal deviates? Why not 967,273 random digits and 71,038 normal deviates? Or was the author going for irony? Sometimes I have a hard time picking that up.”
  • Titled Clearly Plagiarised though still an exciting read, “having read it very carefully, I do believe the author plagiarised most of the middle chapters and the climax ending from the 400 million digit calculation of pi by a university in Tokyo. Did they really think we would not notice?”
  • Titled  Not a good idea for a password, “I decided to use all 100,000 as my password only to discover everyone that owns this book now has my password to my bank. BTW, online banking now takes several days to complete a login.”
  • Titled I have to write a report…, “Is there a Cliff’s Notes? I don’t really have the time to finish reading it before my report is due…” 
  • Titled NOT RANDOM!!!, “I purchased 10 of these books because I am in need of 10 million random digits. However, I was extremely disappointed when I opened the books and each one was exactly the same. Random? No, sir. Not by a longshot.”
  • Titled Out of date, “While I’m sure this was a breakthrough in its time, I’d like to see an updated edition with new random digits. Who wants to use random digits from 2001 anymore?”
  • Titled I can’t say I loved it, but . . ., “. . . once you get used to the style, it’s far easier to get through than her prior work, “Atlas Shrugged.” The narrative voice is more humane, too, and ultimately I have found it makes more sense as a coherent philosophy.”
  • Titled Not random!!, “There are a million of them but they are not, alas, random.
    You sheeple need to learn to read between the lines when you purchase books of this type. What is it? Random Numbers. By whom? The RAND Corporation. What was that title again? RANDom Digits.
    This so called “book” is nothing more than a clever advertising ploy. If you plot the “random” numbers on a 600×600 grid, using a simple transformation on the numbers, the result will be a series of images of the CEO of RAND mouthing the words “buy this book. Read The Hidden Persuaders for info on this alarming trend.
    I know, I did it.
    Disappointing and beneath Amazon to carry it.”
  • Titled Beautifully inane and tedious, “After I got over my obsession with the Twilight saga, I didn’t think I would ever come across anything quite like it. Its breathtakingly insipid plot and the witlessness of the characters kept me hooked for the whole four books. Once I finished the series for the fifth time and seen all of the movies, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I slumped into a massive depression and I needed something to fill the gap that was left by Stephenie Meyer’s genius. Miley Cyrus’ autobiography held me over for a couple of weeks, as did the collective works of L. Ron Hubbard, but it just wasn’t the same. I needed something truly entropic! Then I found A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates, and it was like a breath of fresh air. Even it isn’t quite as jumbled and incomprehensible as the story of Edward and Bella, but it has a very unique charm to it. Highly recommended for anyone else who loves pulp romance, cheap science fiction novels, or anything else that is crass or half-baked. Overall, I’d have to give it a 4/5 because the title spoils the plot.”

I hope, readers, that you enjoyed that little foray into Amazon’s comment section.

Peppermint Tea: Part the Fifth

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

Today’s tea is especially good for calming nerves and helping focus for studies.

Yes, it is the wonderfully soothing…

Peppermint Tea.

This is the type of tea I used to carry around with me in a coat pocket. It would actually sneak up on me by surprise, sometimes. Or I would forget which coat it was in, and so I would look for it sometimes and be disappointed.

But yes. I primarily used Peppermint Chamomile. It’s another herbal-y tea. I have no idea about whether or not it had caffeine, but it was nice. And I’m quite sure that even if it has caffeine, it’s not as much as many beverages.

It’s just a nice one to have on hand when a hot beverage is appreciated, but caffeine is not.

It’s also a nice one when chilled.

Well, happy Monday! I hope you have a great week.

Tea Part 4: Thai Coconut Chai

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday Sunday. Sorry about the delay- Fluffy changed the schedule without my noticing.

So today’s post should have been yesterday’s, but oh well. Here it is.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to have a caffeine free chai tea. It was pretty good! It was a naturally sweet “Sweetened Coconut Thai Chai” or something along along those lines. It was nice. I put some cream in it.

It wasn’t as good as a chai tea latte or something, but it was much better than plain water. I’d definitely take the Cinnamon Apple tea over this one, but it was still pretty good.

I hope you enjoy!

Happy Saturday Sunday!

Recommendations for Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. (Part 3)

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday!

Today’s tea recommendation primarily comes from being a loyal fan.

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Yes, I’m a bit of a Trek nerd. I’m not as into it as some people are. (I can’t tell you what happened in a particular episode, just given the name for most of the episodes. However, I can for some.)

But all that to say, there was no way I could not include a little bit about Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.

Earl Grey by itself is not my favorite. However, it can be quite nice. Especially if you put enough sweetener and cream in it. Once that happens, it’s quite nice.

I especially went through an Earl Grey phase last summer. I found it excellent for writing in the evening. (You know, like Fluff Posts…) There’s something calming about it. And kinda tasty. And inspirational.

Especially when you drink it from a nice mug.

Well, happy weekend! I hope your week’s been going well. And I hope you enjoy a nice cup of tea. Or Coffee. Or lemonade, because it’s summer and what am I doing even recommending hot beverages?

Ok, I’m done now. Bye!

Licorice Spice — Tea Recommendations Part 2

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As promised, here’s the next part of my Tea Recommendations Posts.

Licorice Spice Tea.

This has been a basically life-long favorite of mine. It’s an herbal tea again, so non-caffeinated. It’s one that Mom used to make me when I got sick.

Unlike what its name suggests, it actually doesn’t taste at all like black licorice. Its flavor is actually a bit difficult to describe, but it’s sweet (without even putting anything in it), and tastes a bit like home to me.

I recommend it. Especially if you have a cold or a cough.

Happy tea drinking!

Tea Recommendations part 1 — Cinnamon Apple Spice

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!

Today, I’m going to talk to you about Teas. Most specifically, I’m going to recommend a particular type of tea. I will be recommending tea for the next several days, so this is just the first part.

Now, I am not a tea connoisseur. I’m generally far more a coffee type person. but I do enjoy a cup of tea every now and then- especially if coffee is unavailable, or if I want something a bit lighter. Or more tea-y.

Today’s recommendation (and review) is Celestial Seasonings’s “Cinnamon Apple Spice.”

This is one of my favorites. Which is why I’m recommending it.

I first encountered it when I was on a tour with a singing group a while ago. We were singing fairly intensively for a number of days. And towards the end of it, our voices were getting really tired. One of the places we were singing, though, fortunately had this type of tea for free.

It was amazing.

I had some, and it not only soothed my throat, it tasted the way the “Cinnamon Spice” room scent that Bath & Body Works sells smells. You know, that heavenly scent that smells like cinnamon spice and everything good about the holiday season? Yes. this tea tastes like that.

It’s primarily cinnamon based, but the apple smooths out the tone. It has a little bit of natural sweetness to it, too. And although the recommendation is to leave the teabag in for only 4-6 minutes, I’ve just left it in. And it only keeps getting better the longer you leave it in. (From my perspective.)

It’s now become one of my favorites.

So, if you’re looking to try something new with a hint of fruity sweetness, I recommend this tea.

It would be amazing as an iced tea, too. I haven’t done it yet, but I can tell.

Hm. I think I know what I’m doing tomorrow…

Well, have a great Wednesday! I hope you have a nice cup of tea. (Or coffee. Or something.)

No Pie Crust Needed

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

Once again, my food service has tried to foist some “fluff” off on us. WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS STOP?

What flavor was it tonight?

…How can you be so calm? So callous? So indifferent?

It comes naturally. But you’re evading the question.

Oh, you’re right.

It was Coconut Chocolate.

Chocolate coconut flavored fluffy dessert stuff

Coconut Chocolate Mousse

It actually wasn’t too bad. And at least this time they labeled it well.

I think their recipe tonight was “take equal parts chocolate cream pie mix and coconut cream pie mix. Transfer crusts to the blueberry pies not on the screen. Mix mixes together. Serve, and call it mousse.”

It had about the right consistency and flavor for it. It was definitely stiff enough to serve as a pie filling. As with many of the others, my spoon stood upright in it with minimal difficulty.

A spoon stuck upright in a smooth fluffy dessert with no other form of support.

The Spoon stands upright. The Mousse either passes or fails, depending upon your standards.

So, yeah. This stuff wasn’t bad. But it would have been a lot better with its missing pie crust.

Have a great week!


Even MORE Fluff “Food”

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Hello, Fluffsters. My food service is once again bizarre, and serving odd varieties of Fluffy stuff.

Tonight’s was not too bad in terms of consistency. One of my friends did ask whether it was refried beans, though.

A thing of pudding with toffee chips that look a bit like beans.

“Refried Beans”. Or Fluffy stuff of some sort.

The pudding itself didn’t taste bad. The toffee chips in it were a bit bizarre. So, all in all, not worth it. Not bad, but not worth it.

See what I do for you, Fluffsters?

Anywho, happy Sunday!