Tag Archives: review

Jungle Book Reboot Trailer- WHAT THE HECK?!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!



…yes. At least it’s been a while since I’ve posted about it this time. But, yeah.

You see, I knew that Disney had been going through live-action reboots of their old classics. And I knew that Jungle Book was one on their list. And if I hadn’t been so distracted by the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle, I would probably have been a little more excited about it when I first found out.

After all, the animated version was a fun kids’ movie, with some delightfully cheerful music. And the book had a similarly whimsical tone to it. Granted, there was definitely some slightly darker material, but overall it was a kids’ story. Kipling is like that.

And now the new trailer is out.

Have you watched it yet? I’ll wait.

So, done watching?



I mean, seriously.

Here are some reasons I expect a PG-13 movie, judging from the trailer.

1) The whole thing is narrated from Kaa’s perspective. That’s instant creep-factor right there. (Nice going having another female villain-y type person, though…)

2)The setting looks intense. They used a live-action TIGER. As the VILLAIN. (In Life of Pi, at least the tiger was a semi-protagonist… or something.)

3) They’re STEALING A LOT FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. First, they point out that it’s from the same studio. THEN they use pretty much the SAME STYLE OF MUSIC. Down to some of the SAME MOTIFS. Seriously! LISTEN TO IT!

So, yeah. This looks like it’s not exactly going to be the little kids’ movie that the animated version was. Or the whimsical kids’ story that Kipling wrote.

Other Reactions

Even so, it might be a good movie. Just… not the one I was (am?) expecting. I’m not sure. Disney kindof also did the whole bait and switch thing with Maleficent, with making it look dark and then still having it be pretty much a cheesy kids’ movie.

And they ended it with a whistling of Bear Necessities / Bare Necessities. Which… really didn’t fit the tone. O_o But whatever. Their trailer. Not mine.

Yeah. So, I’m really not sure what to think, besides, “WHAT THE HECK?!?!”

It could be interesting.

New “Hunger Games” Propaganda — effective

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Greetings, readers!

I am postponing the Webmaster’s current plans for today’s post, in light of a very interesting update from the franchise of “The Hunger Games”.

In case you were not aware– starting with one of the earlier movies, the studio producing the Hunger Games movies put out a series of “in-universe” propaganda videos. (They were presented as though the propaganda was to members of the Hunger Games world. It was very effective for those who were familiar with the universe.)

Yesterday, there was a new propaganda video released.

What I found especially fantastic, (in addition to it pointing out the theoretical implications of how District 13 may be turning into a “Capitol Look-Alike”) was the subversion of the Mockingjay symbol.

For those of you who do not remember, this is what the transition from the book “Catching Fire” to “Mockingjay” looked like:

If you look at the end of the new propaganda piece, you should notice that now the Mockingjay’s “wings” have turned into the soldiers of war.

I thought that was a really cool effect.

Enjoy your Friday!

The new Pixar movie was worth it

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, last night, I got to see Pixar’s new movie “Inside Out” with some of my friends and my parents.


Seriously. I highly recommend it. I was sitting right in front of some of the little kids (who were assumed to be a target demographic, at least before watching the movie) and they seemed to enjoy it. But there was so much in there that the kids probably didn’t get. Seriously. I’m writing this as an older-than-14-year-old (I know– that narrows it down a lot…) it was a strong examination of psychology. And it had some absolutely hysterically funny scenes… which were designed to be funny. (It’s always refreshing with hilarity ensues by intentional design, as opposed to cases like The Hobbit 3…)

And the way the emotions were portrayed were excellent.

I highly recommend this movie. (If possible, I also recommend watching it in 3D. Pixar does a good job with that.)

Yup! Happy Tuesday!

I just saw Jurassic World, and enjoyed it

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, last night, I got to watch Jurassic World with some folks. i enjoyed it. The special effects were fun, and not too obviously not-real. So, that’s always a plus.

The music was also nice. There was one theme that was rather interesting, and used frequently to build tension and “something bad is happening!” stuff.


But anyway, I enjoyed it.

Have you seen Jurassic World? What do you think?

And then some fluff came into my life yesterday

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I wasn’t sure if today’s post would happen. And then I randomly encountered a spoiler-free (I think) amusing review of the new Avengers movie that is worth watching, and is a total piece of fluff.

So, enjoy!


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Really, Webmaster? I would never have guessed.

I’m glad I told you, then!

But yep! STAR WARS!!!


And I didn’t even spot a single Lens Flair! Well done, J.J. Abrams!

Well, Fluffsters, have a great weekend!

I can’t get over “Neon Pegasus”

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. A couple of days ago, as you may recall, I wrote about a song that was weird, but made me smile a LOT.

The song, as you may recall, was “Neon Pegasus.”

And it has been randomly going through my head for the past few days. And I think that it’s because of the quality of the song. It is totally nonsensical, but it is SO oddly specific, it sounds like it comes from a very detailed world, and therefore should make sense.

I mean seriously. THE “genetically modified salamander with a face just like George Cloony”? It sounds like there HAS to be a legend behind that in whatever world the song is in.

Isn’t it great?

Cartoon Available from Netflix- Dilbert

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. I recently encountered a cartoon on Netflix. It’s a TV version of the comic Dilbert.

I’ve only seen about two episodes, but they’re very amusing. Very much in keeping with the comic strip. Which is unsurprising, since the creator of the strip was directly involved in the stories of the series.


So, for those of you with nothing to do this Sunday afternoon and evening, I recommend it. It is a very nice mental fluff for your day!

Happy February!

A More In-Depth Game Review of Portal (1)

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Greetings, readers!

First of all, it has recently come to my attention that some of you are confused as to who is who on this blog. So I am going to clarify it for you. This is me, Fluffy McGiggles. The “Webmaster” (who has a bit of a pretentious name, if I might add-)


-uses the ridiculously over-the-top purple motif.

Since I am currently living in what you call the “internet”, when I speak, it appears in whatever style you see it as.

Second, since I quickly moved on to playing Portal 2 after I finished Portal 1, I did not have the kind of time I now wish I had taken to do a more in-depth review of Portal.

It is now time to fix this problem.

As I mentioned in my previous review, I enjoyed it a lot.

The game play was smooth, and intuitive. Controls were (mostly) taught as needed, in a subtle way that did not detract from the game play. (The one exception to this is that they key-in for “crouch” is the “ctrl” key on your keyboard.

The only other critique I had is that when you die (which happens frequently, although there are minimal consequences for such behavior), I, at least, needed to inform the game when I was ready to reload. That was actually fairly nice, from my perspective, as it gave me the opportunity to look around. However, it did take me by surprise the first few times.

One of the other very nice features of the game is that it did emphasize solving the puzzles. There are a few things required that might have required very fast reflexes to do in a different game. However, the trick for Portal is solving the puzzles. Therefore, as soon as you figured out the puzzle, it would default to getting you to the proper place, thus making game-control fairly easy, and the game emphasis truly on the logic behind the game.

Portal 1 also did an excellent job of making it clear what you were supposed to do. There were few distraction items– anything you encountered was likely to be useful for solving the level’s puzzle. (For example, when there is a big red button in the room, you will need to push it to solve the puzzle.)

So, no red herrings, then? That’s what you’re trying to say?

Correct, Webmaster. Well done. There are minimal red herrings in Portal 1.

The story was also very simple, and very excellent. I think it would have been an even better story if I had not known what I was getting into, so I will not spoil it for you. But it is worth playing through.

And those constitute reasons why I really enjoyed Portal 1, and highly recommend it.

Minion Movie Trailer

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Hi, Fluffsters!

In the category of “Trailers”, there’s another new one out. It’s the first official Minion Movie Trailer! And it’s really cute.



Well, it did come out the day before Election Day in the United States. And the trailer does seem to discuss a relatively mindless mob trying to give away power…

…hey! US voters are not minions!

For one, we don’t like bananas enough. There are some people who don’t even like bananas.

Now now, Webmaster, I think you are slightly overreacting to what I said. After all, I never said that the United States voters are anything like minions. I merely indicated that the timing was such that the producers might think that.


…I’m not entirely sure what to make of that.

Well, happy Tuesday!