Tag Archives: real world

A new phenomenon: “Pokemon Go”

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Greetings, readers.

If you have been on any social media platform at all within the last 72 hours, you are probably aware that there is something called “Pokemon Go” that was just recently released.

For those of you who have been wondering what it is: It is a video game for mobile devices that interacts with the real world, and with real world movement.

From what I have gathered from a cursory overview, the Pokemon franchise is a set of games wherein players try to “capture” wild pokemon (cute animated monsters). The player then trains them to fight.

Also from what I understand, it is not nearly as amoral as that description makes it sound.

This new iteration is enabling (and requiring) real-life, real-world interaction in order to make the game work. In order to find wild pokemon, players need to walk around the real world. The ap has an augmented reality feature, which thereby makes the pokemon appear in particular places. Players may also need to use physical movement in order to capture the pokemon. Also, the locations are the same for everybody. Thus, there are apparently “game-critical” stations that have been receiving a fair bit of pedestrian traffic recently.

In all, it is an interesting phenomenon. I expect the hype to start dying down by next week, but as this franchise is children-friendly, I expect this to be one of the more talked about and utilized summer activities.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Remarkable Heat Experience

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I recently had an interesting experience. I’m still in the place with the unconventional seasons, and alas, the season of “hot, dry inferno” is definitely here.

It’s here so strongly, in fact, that when I was riding my bike the other day, the breeze generated from going quickly didn’t help cool me off. At all. In fact, it made my eyes hurt a bit because the wind was so dang hot.

Normally, I think of bicycle winds as a problem for being too cold.


Anyway. Have a lovely Thursday! I hope yours is less hot than mine.

Unexpected Consequence of Maid-of-Honor-ing

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As you may recall, my sister got married on Saturday. I was maid of honor. (Yay! Thanks again!)

I am really happy I had the opportunity, but there was one point I hadn’t even considered. Although I was able to see her face the entire time before she turned to face her groom, after that, I… couldn’t actually see anything.

Except the veil.

It was at a really bad angle for watching her and her groom… I was in a direct line behind her, and then him. (I know the Best Man & I were doing a good job of being even on the stage, though, as I couldn’t see him, either.)

Yup. So, that’s one consequence I hadn’t been aware of: Those who are in the wedding may not be able to see what actually goes on…

So, you know. If you ever maid-of-honor-ify, be aware.

Have a lovely day!

My Metric for How Long my Hair Is

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I have recently come to the realization that my metric for how long my hair is might be different than some others’.

For a while now, I’ve been using what’s known as a “turbie-twist” to dry my hair. It’s basically a triangular semi-tube-ish type thing made out of towel material. The long part of the triangular-y thingy is supposed to be longer than your hair.

My metric is when my hair needs to be scrunched up to fit.

What about you? Do you ever decide your hair is long?

have a lovely day!

“Human Mattress Dominoes” are a thing.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Apparently, human mattress dominoes are a thing. And there’s a new record for the largest “set” of human mattress dominoes being toppled over… with apparently 1200 (or more) participants.

The more you know, right?

Allergy-Season Trade-Offs

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, Allergy Season has started up again where I am. Whee.

However, I figured out a way to make sure that allergies didn’t keep me up a couple nights ago– as caffeinated coffee works well for preventing allergies, I just had a lot of coffee last night. The allergies (mostly) went away!

So it was the caffeine that kept me up. Not the allergies.

Mission accomplished.