Tag Archives: real world

I spend more on apples when they’re cheap…

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I have decided. I have a love-hate relationship with Apple Season.

(By that, I do mean the fruit. Not the technology. In case you were wondering.)

You see, I really, really like apples as a snack food. But they are expensive when they’re out of season. So, I often don’t get them then.

But it’s now apple season, and has been apple season for a few months. And I’ve been spending so much on apples. And then, there are good deals on really good apples. So, even if I have some at home, I have trouble resisting the allure of the Good Deal, so I get more.

All that to say… I spend a lot more on apples when they’re inexpensive.

Hooray for saving money…?

Anyway. Have a lovely Saturday!

“Holiday Hole”

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Greetings, readers!

Last Friday, as some of you are probably aware, was “Black Friday” in the United States. A number of companies provided fairly sizeable discounts, or interesting opportunities.

Others provided satire. For example, there was the opportunity to essentially throw one’s money down a hole. That is, a particular company provided the opportunity for people to support digging a hole. The hole became larger as donations increased.

There was no purpose for the hole.

I found it rather amusing, and also a bit depressing that people would, actually, throw money down a hole like this.

I hope your Monday is not as wasteful.

Disappointment Island Exists

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Greetings, readers!

I recently became aware of the fact that your world has an island named “Disappointment Island.” I do not know what the poor landmass did to deserve such a name, but I thought it rather… amusing.

I hope you have a non-disappointment-filled Sunday.

Silly mind-game I play with myself and a water pitcher

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So, I’ve recently been noticing a silly little mind-trick I play on myself, and I’m now sharing it.

Background. I have a water-filter-pitcher-thingie. (Camelbak, in case you were curious.) (I especially have it for water for making coffee, but that’s mostly beside the point at the moment.)

This water pitcher filters water fairly quickly. It also has a limit on how much it’s supposed to hold. So, on the back of the pitcher, there are two lines. The top line is about where the cap is supposed to be. The bottom line (about a 1/2 inch below the top) is where you’re supposed to turn the sink off if you’re filling it up from the sink. (It’s a nice, fast filter system with a reservoir in the lid or something like that.)

Recently, for various reasons, I’ve been using a large measuring cup thingy to fill the pitcher. (Alright, it’s because I’m often filling the pitcher at around the same time I’ve got dishes soaking in the sink. What can I say? Timings overlap!) With that said, though, it makes it a bit harder to turn off the sink at the right time. I mean, I still need to stop pouring, which is close to the same thing, but it is slightly different. And here’s how.

I can go really fast with the measuring cup. (Faster than the sink, in fact.)

And this is where the mind-game silliness comes in.

So, you’re supposed to stop the water-flow when the waterline gets up to the lowest bar, right? And that’s fine for the pitcher? Well, I’ve started kinda really speeding up the water-flow when I’m almost to the bottom line. Because as long as I stop by the time I gt there, it won’t overfill, right? Even if I’m technically putting in twice as much water. I stopped at the line, after all!

So, yeah. Fortunately I haven’t broken my pitcher, but I’ve definitely (slightly) overfilled it from this reason…

Mind games. They’re trippy.

Anyway. Have a lovely Thursday!

Elves may be to blame for Iceland troubles.

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So, September was apparently interesting for somewhere in Iceland. At least, it was interesting enough to blame some disasters on Elves. I’m not even making this up, it’s from a New York Times article.

I hope they have nothing to do with the rainbow conspiracy.

Whatever happens, I hope you stay safe from the elves.

I said something I wouldn’t have expected

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So, this happened in a conversation today: “I should probably leave, but your bookcase is too comfortable.”

And I was serious.

It really was quite comfortable. It’s a nice metal-sided one (so it was pleasantly cool), and it was tall, flat, and smooth. So basically, it was the perfect thing to lean against.

Anyway. Happy Saturday!

Recent Record-breaking Lightning!

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Apparently, just within the past couple of days, two world records relating to lightning were broken. One was how long a lightning bolt lasts. The other was the distance covered. The new record is now over 200 MILES LONG. That’s… pretty long.

So, yep. Have a lovely day!

I have new couch-side tables, and they’re great!

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Today, a new order that I’ve been looking forward to arrived. It’s a set of TV trays. I grew up with them, and so the whole concept of having a “coffee table” has been a bit weird for me. And especially now that I have reclining couches(!), it’s really nice having table-y things at about hand level that are right next to the side of the couch (or rocking recliner chair in my current situation) that can hold drinks. Or mint chocolate M&Ms. Or both.

You know.

Anyway, have a lovely day!

ALL the U-Haul Trucks!

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So, I’m currently in an apartment complex that does yearly leases, generally from September to September.

I was especially reminded of this yesterday when I passed no less than seven U-Haul trucks.

Of course, I”m not sure whether it’s impressive that there were seven in the complex at the same time, or whether I should be surprised that there were only seven, in a complex with over 100 leases…

So, yep.

That was yesterday. People start moving in soon, so I guess even MORE of the moving trucks will be showing up. Whee!

Happy Thursday!

So, I seriously miscalculated on some purchase-sizes…

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In the category of Amazon Purchases… at one point fairly recently, I got a new salt & pepper grinder. (It was inexpensive, I didn’t have one, and I’m happy I got it.)

Unfortunately, the thing didn’t come with any sort of indication about how much it held. So for getting the fillings, I was left on my own to try to guestimate how much grinding salt and peppercorns to get.

Due to other good deals on amazon, I got two 14-oz containers of Sea-Salt. (It was cheap.)

I also got a pound of peppercorns.

It turns out, my grinder an hold probably about only 2-3 ozs of each.

So, I’m now set for salt and pepper. Possibly even for the life of the grinder.

Have a lovely day!