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As you may recall, I’m trying something new, with being more intentional about questions and answers. Or something. (You can read the post.) In that post, I was wondering about the potential for making a food… perfectly. Like, it’s your magic talent.
I also started to think of answers, based on costs and wasteage.
Now, I’m thinking about it in terms of preferences. So, there are some tradeoffs here as well. You could, for example, make it so that your Absolutely Favorite Dish Ever always turns out perfectly.
But if it’s your Absolute Favorite Dish Ever To Make, especially if it’s one that you usually make, you run into extra complications. Are you already making it well? If so, would it make sense to magically guarantee you can always make it perfectly? Or should you go with one of the less commonly made ones?
Is it possible that your favorite dish is only your favorite because you can’t make your second-favorite perfectly?
Would you want to risk it?
Also, what if your favorite is different from what most of your friends like. Would you want to make a perfect crowd-pleaser?
And other fun considerations.
Happy thinking!