Tag Archives: pointless

Boring Things I’m Calling Comfortable (6/6): Finishing

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Hello, Fluffsters! With this post, I’m DONE WITH THIS CHALLENGE! BWAHAHAHA!

Because of that, I’m turning “finishing” into my boring thing I’m writing about as comforting.

The Comfort of Finishing

It’s seriously a comfort to be done with finishing stuff. Seriously. And this week, I’ve finished (or will have finished) a lot of things. I got a lot of paperwork turned in so that I’ll be making money this summer (yay!), I’m going to be finishing a class in literature, I’ve just finished a paper, and all sorts of other things.

Those are now no longer hanging over my head, and have freed me up to think of random questions! And other topics!

So, I do have a question. What would a bird bath for Phoenixes look like? Would it still be water? Or burning oil?

Also, if there are emergency defibrillators, are there normal defibrillators? And do defibrillators remove all deceptions, or just minor ones?

You lost me on that one.

Well, a fib is a small lie. So a deFIBrillator would be something that removes fibs, right? But what about larger lies? Does that require a heavier duty delierillator? (Would a Delyrerelator get rid of stringed musical instruments?)

Any thoughts, Fluffsters?

Anyways. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday!

Boring things I’m calling comfortable (2/6): Towels

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Good news, Fluffsters! Only 5 days left in the “Comfort” theme.

In honor of this being the last week, I’m going to be doing a series on things that are normally boring, but that I’m calling comfortable for the sake of fitting the theme. So yesterday’s was Socks. Today, I’ll be writing about towels.

…At least you’re being honest.

I know, right? But anywho, here’s the post:

Comfortable Towels

There are a few things that make a towel comfortable.

1) fluffiness. A towel is more likely to be comfortable if it’s really fluffy. Of course, that might also lead to clogged drains in the washer, which can lead to flooding in the laundry room, and therefore wet socks the next time you go out to check laundry, which leads to a cold and pneumonia and none of those things are comfortable. But at least your towel’s comfy!

2) Softness. Although at first glance this is the same thing as fluffiness, it’s actually not. Something can be soft without being fluffy, and fluffy without being soft. Terrycloth especially, which is what most towels are made of, is an example of that type of fabric. But yeah. Soft towels are much softer-

-There’s a surprise.

– And softer is usually more comfortable. For things like that. Once again, it would not be comfortable to use a soft knife.

I mean, can you imagine trying to cut a steak with a soft knife? It just wouldn’t work. And then you’d be uncomfortable because of hunger. Or grease all over your face and fingers as you couldn’t use utensils. 🙁

3) Length / size. Bigger is better. ’nuff said.

So, there you go! Here’s the second boring thing that I’m calling comfortable in this series. And what about you, Fluffsters? What’s your most comfortable towel like?

Comfortable Socks

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Hello, Fluffsters!

D’you know something else that’s comfortable? Socks.

I love socks. As long as they’re fun, that is. For example, I have about five useable pairs of socks that I love.

Two of the pairs are (according to the label) knee highs. One pair is bright hot pink(!) and the other pair is white with different colored hearts on it.

I also have some “seasonal” socks, but that doesn’t stop me in the spring. You see, they’re penguin socks. And really cute! Penguins are like owls, but they can’t fly. And they’re located in a slightly colder area.



My other two pairs that I really like are Muppet themed. The green pair is, of course, Kermit themed. The other (a bit to my surprise) is Animal themed. I am a bit surprised that they aren’t Miss Piggy, but that’s fine. I really like them!

What about you, Fluffsters? Do you have a favorite pair of socks?

Hot or Cold?

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday! Are you having a good weekend?

Where I am, the weather was amazingly comfortable yesterday. It was in the 40s-50s.

In case you can’t tell, I like cooler weather. After all, you can always put another layer on. You can’t always take another layer off…

But what about you? Do you prefer warmer or cooler temperatures? Which are more comfortable?

Thunderstorm!! And Dream House Thoughts.

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There was a (small) thunderstorm or two yesterday afternoon. That made me happy.

One of my favorite things to do is sit in a window-ledge when it’s storming outside, and maybe reading a book. There are few things more comforting than having a good book, comfy pillows, and maybe a mug of hot chocolate (which I didn’t have) while watching the storm come down outside. A fluffy blanket is also good.

So, my window ledges are awesome. There’s a place I can go to that has delightful trapezoidal windows with a nice ledge that’s quite wide enough for sitting. When I have a house of my own, I really hope I can get a nice window ledge (or three!) like that. Especially up just a little bit. Being able to look out over some stuff is really cool. Sort of like what I imagine being in a climate-controlled castle would be like. (Ooh, look! Alliteration!) If I do get a window ledge like that, though, I also really want to put in real cushions. Make it sort of a couch-y thing. And maybe have a slightly straighter place for a backrest. That’s not too picky, is it?

Given you, probably not.

I wasn’t actually asking you, Fluffy. I was asking our readers.

So, fluffsters, I have two questions for you: 1) What is your most comfortable place to be in a storm, and 2) what is one feature your dream house has?

5 Things that Amuse Me

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Hello, readers! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Now that the week has started again, I’m sure you’re looking for new ways to procrastinate! Or at least looking for things to amuse.

Seriously? You’re waiting until after the weekend to give some time wasters?

Of course. People are more likely to be outside and stuff on the weekend. But during the week? Looking at things on the internet is fair game. And anyways, don’t they need something to look forward to for the next weekend?

So, without further ado:

5 things that amuse me

1) I know that I’ve mentioned it before, but cakewrecks.com is one of my favorite blogs. Ever. (Not including this one, of course.) Jen Yates, the creator of the site, has an amazing sense of humor. Seriously, I think she’s one of my role-models in the blog sphere!

2) Looking at dessert recipes. And trying to figure out how to change them. One of my favorite recipe sites is allrecipes.com The dessert section has some inspiring ideas! And then after you get some ideas, you can do a Google search, and find other recipes and ideas. I came across recipes for ganache and flourless chocolate cake that are amazing. And now I’ve slightly modified them. And those are also fantastic. So you should check it out! Who knows what wonderful desserts you might find?

4) Pushing random buttons on my computer, and seeing what happens. Especially in different programs. I’ve actually discovered a lot of hotkeys this way! For example, do not press ctrl+w, ctrl+shift+w, or alt+f4 right now. Those would exit you out of this window/program, and that would make me sad.
Of course, one of the problems is that I not infrequently forget what I did to get a result… That led to an annoying time when I was using a word processor, and somehow got into “draft mode” and couldn’t figure out what I’d done, what combination of keys I pressed, or how to escape. I think I randomly got out of there, finally. But even now, I don’t know what I did. But seriously! It’s a lot of fun!

5) Darths & Droids. Once again, I’ve already mentioned this. But it’s hilarious. Especially if you’re at all aware of RPG culture and mechanics, and if you’re a Star Wars fan. Both parts are essential if you want to enjoy it. And be sure to read the description down at the bottom. It never ceases to amuse me. The authors have such an amazing sense of humor!

3) Trying to play with people’s minds in general. Did you notice that the lists is out of order? You can play with people’s minds in a variety of ways. One way is by figuring out odd ways of listing things. Another way is by coming up with random questions. And then asking people those questions. You really should see people’s expressions when I ask them “How would you respond if I made some sort of comment about pickle-headed stinkradishes of doom, death, and destruction right now?” It’s not dissimilar to the time I went around asking people about muffin-flavored shrimp. But playing with people’s minds is quite fun! You get some of the oddest looks.

Anyways, Happy Monday! I hope this provides some useful ways to amuse yourself for the week. These methods normally amuse me!

You don’t stay alive as a spy by… (Top 5)

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Hello, everyone! Happy Monday!

Today’s post is another “Answer the Question” one.

Please. Just no more muffin flavored shrimp, ok?

Don’t worry! Not in this post. No, today’s question was:

Finish the following sentence: “You don’t survive as a spy by…”

I got a variety of answers. Some of them made sense. Others, like “eating porridge”, “Eating fried chicken”, “being the slowest fish in the pond”, and “Kissing hands” were a little… confusing.

What’s confusing about them?

Clearly, where food is concerned, that points out one of two things. Either

1) eating exclusively those things. That’s, after all, going to draw attention to you. Or

2) The food is poisoned.

…Oookay, then!

So, slowest fish in the pond?

Well, then you lose your cover when you try to escape.


Well, anyways. Back to the Top Five Answers to:

You Don’t Survive as a Spy By

1) Jumping Off Buildings. This seems fairly obvious. Especially if you’re talking skyscraper-sized buildings. Even jumping into the water. That can at the very least be extremely painful (which might lead to permanent injuries which prevent you from being a spy). The worst, of course, is that you literally don’t survive.

2) Telling the Truth. “Hello, ma’am! I’m here as a spy of your country’s arch-enemy. Could you please tell me your country’s secrets?” That clearly just doesn’t work. Bad life (and career) choice.

This leads us to our next one.

3) Person1  asks a question of Person2. From behind the closed, locked door comes the answer, from Person3. “How long have you been listening at the keyhole, Person3?” Person1 asks. Person3 enters sheepishly, and says, “Well, you don’t survive as a spy by-“

Revealing how long you’ve been listening at keyholes. Reveal how long you’ve been listening, and they might come after you.

…Uh, “they”?

Shh. You interrupted the list! “They” is a device to make the list more mysterious. Since we’re talking about spies and stuffs.

But as I was saying,

4) Starting a sentence with “You don’t survive as a spy by…”. There’s no surer way of killing your career as a spy by telling people that you’re trying to survive as a spy. You’ve just revealed your profession. This goes with number 2, and that just doesn’t work.

And finally, You don’t survive as a spy by…

5) Dying. Although this may seem obvious, it is important to remember! You can’t survive by dying. So you certainly can’t survive as a spy by dying!

So, there you have it. Five ways to not survive as a spy. If you’re a spy, I recommend you don’t follow any of these. Unless you’re spying on my country. Then you totally should. Especially number 4.

Wow. Subtle.

Thank you!

Why do I even try sarcasm? Why do I even try?

Oh, that was sarcasm again? My bad…

And once again, happy Monday, everyone! I hope you have a wonderful week.

Earrings can be expensive.

Hello, readers! Today’s fluff of the day talks a bit about money, and how to spend it. Or how other people have or will spend theirs. I hope you’re bored, because there really isn’t much point to this.

Isn’t that what fluff is?

Someday, Fluffy, you’re not actually going to make annoying comments when I’m trying to write something.

Quite right. Some day, you’ll come around to my way of thinking and realize that I’m not the annoying one on this site.

Very funny. Not.

Anyways, just a heads up: All links go off-site.

Did you know that earrings can cost as much as Oscar Wilde’s house? I’m not making this up. Apparently, a bit more than a week ago, some $1.8 MILLION earrings made the news.  And I thought 60-Euro gold-plated staples were expensive!