Tag Archives: plot devices

Plot Devices and Vocabulary

Greetings, Readers! I hope you had a pleasant weekend.

As usual, I have been spending time trying to understand the culture on the other side of this website. I have recently started looking up plot devices used in your different sorts of fiction.

And that’s going to give you an insight into my culture?

Of course! If there’s something that’s often enough used in fiction to get its own article, then clearly your culture appreciates it. A lot of insight can be gained by looking at fiction.

And anyways, it’s giving me some ideas for if I get home, for things to add to our shows…

Oh? I think I’m afraid to ask…

Well, of course we’ve used a number of your devices in our shows, but never to such an extent. And more to the point, it’s the names your world comes up with, and the categorization! There’s a “MacGuffin“, for example.

A what?

A MacGuffin. You should check out the article; it’s a fantastic name for a device that I hadn’t even realized our family used so frequently! Now, when we compose plots, I would only need to say “And here’s where we add a MacGuffin”, and everyone will understand what I’m talking about!


Seriously, Fluffy, you get excited about the most random things.

Like you don’t?

Ok, fair point.

But anyways. I highly recommend looking at that website. They have an extensive collection. I spent way too much time there!

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you have a wonderfully fantastic week.