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Tag Archives: nature
Fantastic Snowflakes!
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Today’s post is a short one on my end. But basically, I wanted to share a really cool article with you.
Ok, so you know how every snowflake is unique? Well, somebody photographed some snowflakes way up close. And they are so cool looking.
So to speak.
Snowflakes. They’re cool. Frozen water. You know. A pun.
Anyway, happy Tuesday!
Sittin’ on Top of the World (part 2)
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Remember how about a week ago I shared some pictures I took while flying?
Well, I got some more. This time, we flew over the ocean as we were taking off, and then over land during the middle of the morning. I love the way the pictures turned out, and I hope you do, too!
Perfect Night Time
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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday!
Last night was perfect. Not so much the activities, since I was feeling grumpy for a large part of it, but after I finished an activity, I walked outside, and it was amazing.
Ok, how so?
Well, for one the sky was absolutely clear. There were no clouds, minimal dust as far as I could tell, nothing. (Except for light pollution. But you can’t have everything in life.)
And actually, part of the light pollution was part of the perfectness itself. The moon was so bright it outshone some of the lamps! It was stunning.
The stars were out, too, as usual. But this time I could actually see them! Yes, there was light pollution. But it was low enough that I could mostly blot it out by lifting a hand.
The weather was also perfect. It was just above freezing- crisp, cold enough to keep a lot of the less crazy people inside (and therefore keep things quiet), and all in all wonderful. I spent about a half-hour outside just staring at the sky. During that time, I not only saw a flock of migrating geese (at night! SO COOL!) but I also saw TWO shooting stars. One of them was really bright, and lasted for probably three times as long as most of the others I’ve seen in my life! Did I mention it was really bright, too?
Finally, I managed to get this picture:
I love reflections. I love night time. I love the interplay of light and dark. And I have decided I really like my phone.
That seems fairly non sequitus…
Oh. Right. You see, I got that picture just with my phone. No tripod, no flash, no fancy devices. Just handheld technology.
Nice picture.
Really? Thanks!
Well, have a great day, Fluffsters! I hope you have as amazing a day as I did a night.
Comfortable Scenes
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Something that I enjoy doing is going back through old pictures. And I found one of a subject that makes me really comfortable: Lovely scenes at sunset. So today’s post is short, but here’s a pretty picture I took, that I like. Or 4. You know.