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Greetings, readers!
I notice that The Webmaster and I have been a touch remiss in our analysis of the fluff of modern-day culture. I attempt to fix that with today’s post.
For, you see, “The Martian” has received an award for… “Top Comedy.”
Now, while it some people may disagree with this assessment, I am hesitant to completely condemn its award. Yes, the trailers shown with the movie indicate that it may not be a conventional comedy. But, if one examines the Shakespearean Type of Comedy, The Martian may actually qualify. (Spoilers ahead.) There is a happy ending, after all. And furthermore, you see that multiple of the characters have gotten married– to each other.
There are also no human casualties.
Thus, by the Shakespearean definition, it may qualify as a comedy. Furthermore, it was a well-done movie. Thus, I do not condemn the “Best Comedy” Golden Globe it won two nights ago.
Have a lovely Tuesday.