Note: If this is your first time to totalfluff,please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!
Hello, everyone!
I’ve been looking at my website, and came across a disturbing fact about this website.
Just one?
Seriously, Fluffy? You couldn’t come up with anything more creative than that?
Anyways. The problem: The only place (before today) that marshmallows are mentioned on this site is in my FAQ section. This is clearly problematic. Marshmallows and fluff are practically synonymous, after all! So I am here today to FIX this problem! And so, without further ado, here are my
Top 5 uses for mini-marshmallows.
1) Eat. Just plain. Or better yet, give to a five year old and see what happens. You’ll definitely not be bored after that!
2) Use for office/dorm-battles. What happens if you combine a mini-marshmallow and a rubber-band gun, anyways? Or forget the gun, let’s just use the rubber-band!
It would probably work better with a) a thicker rubber-band, b) an actual holdy-thingy like real slingshots have, and possibly c) full size marshmallows.
3) Hot Chocolate. Of course. Or maybe coffee. Regardless, putting them into a hot beverage to melt. And then drink. But you probably knew that, since you’re smart and stuff.
4) Snowball fights in California. Or during the summer. After all, Christmas in July is a thing, right? Why not celebrate with a “snowball” fight? (Of course, it once again works better with larger marshmallows. But minis can still squish into relative “snowball” shape, which can then be used for throwing at people.)
5) Marshmallow Taffy. If you haven’t tried this, you need to. I’ve illustrated/written down the instructions/recipe for marshmallow taffy in the recipes section. So you should check it out.
I hope this gives you some ideas! But what about you? Do you have any favorite uses for Mini Marshmallows?