Tag Archives: ice breaker

A comfortable post: Ignoring the prompt

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Hello, Fluffsters! Today, I’m ignoring the prompt. It’s a nice enough prompt, I suppose, but I’m just not in the mood for it.

So today, I’m going to talk about some ways to break the ice at gatherings or with groups of people.

Without further ado:

3 great ways to break the ice.

One: Hit it with a mallet. This serves a dual purpose. First you have successfully broken the ice. In fact, you may have shattered it. It probably depends in part on what size ice you’re using. Of course, finding a mallet at a party might be a little difficult. So I guess you can just throw it on the ground.

Oh. A pun. Very funny, Webmaster.

I hope your other two options are at least somewhat reasonable.

Why, thank you Fluffy! And yes, don’t worry.

Two: wait for someone else to break the ice. This doesn’t always work, but it’s sometimes nice. Especially if you’re shy and you don’t quite know the best etiquette for your situation. And somebody’s going to break the ice at some point, right?

Three: Ask a random question.

No. NOT Muffin Flavored Shrimp AGAIN?!

I was actually just going to link to the FAQ page, but now that you mention it, yeah! Muffin flavored shrimp are a great ice-breaker! Either you get an odd and enjoyable conversation going, or you’ve figured out who the relatively boring people are, and have likely gotten them to leave you alone! Win-win, right?

Anywho, Fluffsters, what do you do to break the ice?

By the way, you realize that you never gave a second reason for using a mallet for #1, right?
