Tag Archives: holidays

Quite remarkable Christmas Sweaters!

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Now available, to anyone who can pay for it (and who has a smart phone) : a Christmas Sweater with animation.

They come in a variety of styles. One of he nice(ish) ones is a crackling fireplace.

One of the funnier ones is a Stuck Santa.


Music for Thanksgiving

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I was recently reminded that Christian music that talks about giving thanks, or even praise, or anything that remotely resembles harvest or plants or earth or anything totally counts for Thanksgiving. So, here are a few of my favorite John Rutter pieces that I’m now calling “appropriate for Thanksgiving”.

Have a lovely day!

Coffee Day “Chicken”!

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Apparently, today is International Coffee Day! At least in the US.

International for a given country

International for a single country. Thanks, Google.

So in addition to the Public Service Announcement above, I also wanted to show off. I have a k-cup machine, and I can barely get two servings from it into one of my travel mugs. And yesterday, I ended up “doctoring” my coffee between the two servings (so that I could drink more of it more quickly, because it was cooler)… which left me with the game of “exactly how much to drink and still get the coffee to fit.” (AKA, Travel-Mug “Chicken”.)

I took a picture of the result. (And no, I did not need to turn off the coffee pot early.)

verrrrrryyy full travel-mug.

I DEFINITELY won Travel-Mug Chicken.

So, yep. I’m feeling pleased with myself.

Happy Coffee Day!

Talk Like a Pirate!

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Ahoy, mateys!

As a reminder, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. In honor of that, here are some ways you can celebrate!

A. Change your facebook language settings to English (Pirate). I did this recently, and it’s amusing. I look at either people’s “fresh scrawlings” or “great yarns”, send “Capt’ns Parleys” to others, and receive notices of “hail shots”. And it’s all for Ye Olde Facebook.

2. Find a bandana. Wear it piratically. This has the benefit of keeping your hair out of your eyes!

iii. Fail at a pirate accent. I think this entire post is accomplishing that.

Last. Steal others’ ideas for how to celebrate “talk like a pirate day”. Don’t actually steal, though. That would be bad.

Anyway, have a lovely one!

Because Valentine’s Day calls for Poetry and Music

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Rather than a Valentine, I thought I’d share a celebrity reading poetry, and my current favorite love song.

So, yep.

Here you go! I hope you have a great one!

Sewing a gift closed was easier than taping it

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So. My brother-in-law comes from a family where it’s apparently tradition to include prank gifts. I found this out last year, when he gave me a rubber chicken. (“It’s better to have a rubber chicken and not need one, than to need a rubber chicken and not have one!”)

Anyway. My gift for him (alas) is not up to those standards, as it’s almost something that people might want for themselves. (No, I”m not posting what it is. I know he won’t read this before he opens. But still. Principles. I have them. Ish.)

One of the features of the prank present is that it’s ridiculous to open. So, I’d originally planned in basically wrapping the thing in tape. I couldn’t find that much tape, though, so I ended up sewing it shut.

Yes, it was easier for me to find a needle and thread and to sew crepe paper shut, than to find more tape.

Priorities. I have them.


Again, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one.