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Hello, Fluffsters! HAPPY 2014!!
So, as I’m sure you’re all aware, people traditionally make “New Year’s Resolutions.” These are things that we promise ourselves will go better, or will change, for the upcoming year. Now, I’ve already (mostly) decided upon mine, but I’m here to help you out! For you see, in honor of today, I have selected some common things to make a list of:
New Year’s Resolutions.
1) Lose weight. After all, the purpose should be a number on the scale, not improving at the activities you enjoy, right? This is quite a common one, and I would be completely irresponsible if I didn’t mention it.
2) Live life to the fullest. Ok. So, I think this is another common one. That’s why it’s here!
But what does it even mean? How is that possible?
You know, I have no idea.
…So, New Year’s Resolutions don’t need to be attainable?
Of course not! They’re just supposed to inspire you to do better, or something. Alright, so some of them are possible to achieve. But not all of them.
So, just to clarify, quantifiability is not a requirement?
Huh. In that case:
3) Fly to the moon. That would certainly provide stories. Barring the actual flight ability, you can at least work towards that goal.
I don’t think that’s how it should work.
I thought you said it could be anything?
Well, “could” and “should” are two completely different things.
5) draw better. That’s a better one. You know, working on improving a particular area of your life. That’s a more typical way, and a better example of how resolutions should work.
Oh. So,
4) Be kinder when pointing out others’ mistakes would qualify?
Um. I think so. Why do I feel like you’re referencing something?
You mean the fact that you completely skipped four, until I put it in without comment?
Until now…
Uh, yeah. I think that works.
Well, that’s enough for right now. Do you have any brilliant resolution ideas, Fluffsters? Or any resolutions you’re planning on fulfilling?