Tag Archives: holiday

In Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

More importantly, happy St. Patrick’s Day!

In honor of this holiday that traditionally includes copious amounts of alcohol, I’d like to share this link with pictures of animals that can’t figure out how to properly use furniture.

Enjoy. And stay safe!

In Honor of Pi Day

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday!

Do you know what other day it is?

It’s Pi Day! Happy 3/14, everyone!

I do not have a new Piem for you today, but I do have a link to share. Somebody made a very interestingly shaped pie a while ago. And since it’s pi day, I thought I’d share the link to the “picosahedron” they made.

I hope you have an excellent pi day!

Things for “Singles” to do on Valentine’s Day

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Greetings, readers! Happy Valentine’s Day to you.

From my experience here this past year and a while, I have deduced that this is a holiday especially designed for “Couples”. Apparently “Singles” are normally exempt from festivities.

Well, sortof. We can still send Valentines. And sometimes receive them. And eat chocolate.


From what I understand, that’s about it. Whereas the Couples will frequently be going on dates, Singles… What do singles do?

You know, I’m still figuring that out. I do have some ideas, though!

Things Singles can do on Valentines Day.

1) Ride a Ferris Wheel. As mentioned previously, February 14th’s also “Ferris Wheel Day“. So instead of not being able to “Celebrate Valentine’s Day Fully”, celebrate a different holiday instead!

2) Celebrate with a similarly single friend. Go out for a nice dinner as a friend-date. Buy chocolate. Eat chocolate. Watch movies. Something.

3) Watch funny videos on YouTube. Or, this week, you could also watch the Olympics. In certain cases, those might actually overlap. Depending. Or you can watch funny videos on YouTube about the Olympics!

Well, there you go, Fluffsters! I hope you have a great-

Hold on a second- this is supposed to be my post!

…Do you have anything you want to add to the list?

…Of course! Do you think I would not?

…Uh, I feel like this might be a bit ominous…


Good call, but hush regardless.

Fluffy’s Suggestions for “Single’s Awareness Day”

For those feeling depressed about “relationship status.”

1) Make prank food, and give it to your “couple” friends. This is cross-cultural, after all. You’re incorporating an element of my culture!

2) If you are finding yourself feeling a bit down, write a story in which the hero dies. I think there is something quite cathartic about destroying something when you are feeling down- even when the destruction is only fictional.

3) Mope. There is nothing quite like moping to enable a pity party. Pity parties are party, and are therefore fun. Therefore, throw yourself a pity party and mope.

…Yes. I think my ideas were much better.

You would.

Well, readers, I hope you enjoy your February 14th. Barring that, I hope you do not become too miserable.


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Greetings, readers! I wish you a joyous Thursday.

It seems as though once again, St. Valentine’s day is upon is. I understand that it is customary in your world to send cards with sentiments, rather than prank foods, to celebrate this day in the second month of the year.

As such, I have decided to share with you some interesting valentines I found online: The Dictators’ Valentines.

If you do send any of these, I would enjoy hearing about responses in the comments below.

Have a great day.

Welcome, 2014! [Here are some resolutions few will keep.]

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Hello, Fluffsters! HAPPY 2014!!

So, as I’m sure you’re all aware, people traditionally make “New Year’s Resolutions.” These are things that we promise ourselves will go better, or will change, for the upcoming year. Now, I’ve already (mostly) decided upon mine, but I’m here to help you out! For you see, in honor of today, I have selected some common things to make a list of:

New Year’s Resolutions.

1) Lose weight. After all, the purpose should be a number on the scale, not improving at the activities you enjoy, right? This is quite a common one, and I would be completely irresponsible if I didn’t mention it.

2) Live life to the fullest. Ok. So, I think this is another common one. That’s why it’s here!

But what does it even mean? How is that possible?

You know, I have no idea.

…So, New Year’s Resolutions don’t need to be attainable?

Of course not! They’re just supposed to inspire you to do better, or something. Alright, so some of them are possible to achieve. But not all of them.

So, just to clarify, quantifiability is not a requirement?

…Uh, I don’t think so.

Huh. In that case:

3) Fly to the moon. That would certainly provide stories. Barring the actual flight ability, you can at least work towards that goal.

I don’t think that’s how it should work.

I thought you said it could be anything?

Well, “could” and “should” are two completely different things.

5) draw better. That’s a better one. You know, working on improving a particular area of your life. That’s a more typical way, and a better example of how resolutions should work.

Oh. So,

4) Be kinder when pointing out others’ mistakes would qualify?

Um. I think so. Why do I feel like you’re referencing something?

You mean the fact that you completely skipped four, until I put it in without comment?

Until now…

Uh, yeah. I think that works.

Well, that’s enough for right now. Do you have any brilliant resolution ideas, Fluffsters? Or any resolutions you’re planning on fulfilling?

Happy Last Day of 2013!

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy December 31!

And December 31 is important because…?

It’s important because it marks the last day in the calendar year for us.

Ah. You mean you’re celebrating a last phase made arbitrarily discrete, in what would otherwise be a continuous function?


Never mind.

If you insist.

But as I was saying. It’s the last day of 2013. A lot has happened this year, hasn’t it?

Such as…?

Well, I did first meet you and start this blog this year.

Oh, right. I forgot you’ve been annoying me that briefly.

Yeah, whatever.

So, I started this blog. I met you, Fluffy. I also started to learn how to spin, read some wonderful books, started painting banners, made a clay hippocampus (the mythological animal type), met Pip & Squeak (who is still missing *sadface*) and did so much more. I’m actually sad this year is practically over!

But, I’m looking forward to what next year will bring. I’m not entirely sure what it will bring, since there are definitely a few things up in the air for me right now, but I’m sure it will be good.

I’m especially looking forward to seeing what sort of Fluff I’ll be able to mention on this blog. After all, as life goes on, it’s going to bring more fluff and nonsense. That’s almost as guaranteed as death and taxes, don’t you agree?

Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of the year! See you (sort of) in 2014! HAPPY NEW YEAR! (almost.)


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Hello, Fluffsters. I am very happy.

A friend gave me a wonderful Christmas present… Here’s a picture.

Fuzzy polka-dotted socks


Yes, they’re socks. Fluffy, fuzzy, furry socks. Aren’t they fantastic?

Anywho. Happy Monday!

Scary Things / Halloween Decorations 5: Glitter

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Greetings, Fluffsters, and Happy Halloween!

Yes, indeed. This is the day that my most recent posts have all been leading up to. Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, October 31, Fall Fest, whatever.

Because I’m looking forward to a lot of fun, today’s is going to be relatively short. After all, it doesn’t need to be much longer… I’m just talking about:

Scary Things and Decorations: Glitter.

When I asked people about scary things, 4/5 people (or so) did say that glitter was the scariest. And even though I use the stuff, I can’t say I blame them. There are several reasons for this.

1) It sparkles. Yes, that’s the point. But it’s so blinding at times! And if it gets on your eyelashes, it looks like there are little flecks of light dancing in front of your eyes, which can be distracting, especially if you’re trying to dance. (Yes, this is experience talking.)

2) It gets everywhere. This is the biggest reason. There are lots of times I’ve tried to confine my glitter to a specific place. The glitter, though, has a mind of its own. You can almost hear the chorus of little voices saying “nope!” as they run ALL. OVER. THE PLACE.

That’s actually about it for scariness… But that’s enough, wouldn’t you agree?

Decorating with it.

Don’t. Just don’t. You’ll regret it. I’m warning you, it really gets everywhere!

If you’re still reading this, you clearly don’t believe me. So here are some instructions to minimize the damage.

1) Don’t. Seriously. Don’t use the glitter.

2) If you must, use lots of glue. That will help keep the glitter in approximately the right place.

3) DO IT OUTSIDE. Not kidding, the stuff gets EVERY WHERE.

Well, that about sums up glitter. Have fun!

Fourth of July Book Review: American Fairy Tales by Baum

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday! And happy Fourth of July, to all my fellow Americans!

In honor of the day, and the theme of the week, I’m going to be reviewing a slightly older book:

American Fairy Tales by L. Frank Baum (Spoiler Alert)

(Yes, the same L. Frank Baum who wrote Wizard of Oz, etc. )

American Fairy Tales is a collection, well, fairy tales located in America, with a very American feel to them.

One of the best parts of the stories are the morals. But the stories themselves are also quite charming.

The first one tells the tale of a girl who meddles in affairs that do not concern her. She therefore accidentally releases a band of thieves her uncle had kept locked in a chest in the family attic. Through quick thinking, the little girl makes the situation. But the moral of the story is “not to interfere with matters that do not concern us.” After all, if the little girl had refrained from opening the chest, she wouldn’t need to return all the items the thieves stole from her own house.

One of my favorite “morals” occurs after a story with lots of trickery and generic not-good-moral-character-stuff. (All G-rated if it were a movie, though.) The author writes “I suppose [one of the characters] is there yet, and am rather sorry, for I should like to consult the wizard about the moral to this story.” Clearly, the author just wrote a fun little story, but at the time all short stories “needed to have a moral.” It’s charming little turns of phrases like this that make American Fairy Tales so much fun to read.

There are about a dozen stories in this collection. Some of them are a bit politically incorrect, but then, they were written in a different time. I don’t remember anything truly offensive in them. I recommend reading them. They’re a fun collection of American-style short stories, and very child friendly. Except maybe for the last two stories. But I digress.

I hope you enjoy them! They’re a fun way to procrastinate, and the collection is out of copyright, and so is therefore available from Project Gutenberg. (Free reading! Yay!)

Happy Fourth of July! I hope to see(?) you tomorrow!


“Facts” about Rome: An InfoGraphic

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Happy Foundation of Rome Day!

Oh, you actually got to a Holiday before I could? I’m quite surprised.

Well, it had to happen some time, didn’t it?

Anyways, in light of this momentous anniversary, I have created an Infographic.

Another infographic?

Yup! And I’ve illustrated it and everything!

…I’m a bit worried. So, an infographic. What’s it about?

“Facts” about Rome.

… That you may have created on the spot?

Of course!

But without further ado, here it is:

An infographic about Rome that discusses how old Rome is relative to Star Wars, how the Romans were inspired by The Hunger Games, Roman Food, and how Romulus's twin was teleported into Harry Potter World

Happy Something-Thousand-and-something Birthday, Rome!

Yup, further reading definitely required.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: how do you even come up with this stuff?!

What? I didn’t even touch on some of the weird stuff.

That wasn’t- oh, nevermind. Happy Sunday, readers!

Yup, Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you have a great day!