Tag Archives: food

Chocolate sculptures

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Some people. Some people are crazy good at art and sculptures and stuff. Even with chocolate.

For example, there’s a fantastic sculpture of a boat… and a kraken.


Release the Kraken!

Release the KRAKEN! Kraken 100% chocolate by @amauryguichon⁣

Posted by Apolonis APHRODISIA on Monday, September 10, 2018

The Purpose of Baked Goods

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So. I have a discussion question for you.

Do bagels and bread actually serve any higher purpose, than to be creamcheese transporters? (Or possibly Lox transporters, if you have that kind of money.)

And if not, does it really matter what you put in them, since you theoretically put enough cream cheese on to not be able to taste the thing?

With that discussion, have a great day!

Fairs are “fair”-ly awesome.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, yesterday, I had the fun opportunity to go to the Los Angeles County Fair.

And I have conclusive evidence that food at fairs can be really, really weird.

After all, where else can you buy fried cheese on a stick?

Fried Cheese on a Stick

Fried Cheese on a Stick. Because why not.

Or “completely fried peanut-butter pickles”? (Or anything having to do with peanut butter and pickles as the same “food” item, EVER?)

The deep-fried cookie dough might actually be decent.

See the Peanut Butter Pickles listed in the middle…?

So, yeah. As I said. I think this is conclusive evidence.

I hope you have a lovely Monday!

What to do when you don’t bring a Fork

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, yesterday, I sorta didn’t bring a fork with my lunch.

That normally wouldn’t be a problem, but today part of my lunch consisted of pasta and Parmesan. Not just any pasta– spaghetti.

Clearly, my spoon wouldn’t do the trick.

So I decided to kludge my way out. The place I was at (I’m still with a group of people) had free wood coffee stirrers. I learned how to use chopsticks when I was 5.

So, I ate my spaghetti with “chopsticks” made from coffee stirrers…

They weren’t the sturdiest of all things, and they were a tiny bit more challenging to use than the normal round ones, but they worked.

So next time you’re without a fork and want / need to eat spaghetti, just grab a couple of those cheap wood coffee stirrers that are practically everywhere!

Have a great day!

Interesting Experiences with Chocolate

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. On a whim, I tried something a bit odd yesterday. It was a chocolate peanut butter cup dipped in Hummus.

It was probably about as weird as it sounds.

It wasn’t bad per say, just weird. I would not necessarily recommend it, except for giving more stories.

Happy Sunday!

Cheese, Periodically

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Hi, Fluffsters!

In part because of an epic dinner I had tonight (Kraft Mac & Cheese in a BACON BOWL!!)…

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese in a bowl made of bacon. On a pretty floral plate.

Kraft Mac & Cheese and BACON BOWL. Be jealous. 🙂

…I’m feeling a bit cheesy.

So, I’m going to share with you a beautiful image that a friend of mine shared the link to: A Periodic Table of Cheese.

Have fun!

Tea Recommendations part 1 — Cinnamon Apple Spice

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!

Today, I’m going to talk to you about Teas. Most specifically, I’m going to recommend a particular type of tea. I will be recommending tea for the next several days, so this is just the first part.

Now, I am not a tea connoisseur. I’m generally far more a coffee type person. but I do enjoy a cup of tea every now and then- especially if coffee is unavailable, or if I want something a bit lighter. Or more tea-y.

Today’s recommendation (and review) is Celestial Seasonings’s “Cinnamon Apple Spice.”

This is one of my favorites. Which is why I’m recommending it.

I first encountered it when I was on a tour with a singing group a while ago. We were singing fairly intensively for a number of days. And towards the end of it, our voices were getting really tired. One of the places we were singing, though, fortunately had this type of tea for free.

It was amazing.

I had some, and it not only soothed my throat, it tasted the way the “Cinnamon Spice” room scent that Bath & Body Works sells smells. You know, that heavenly scent that smells like cinnamon spice and everything good about the holiday season? Yes. this tea tastes like that.

It’s primarily cinnamon based, but the apple smooths out the tone. It has a little bit of natural sweetness to it, too. And although the recommendation is to leave the teabag in for only 4-6 minutes, I’ve just left it in. And it only keeps getting better the longer you leave it in. (From my perspective.)

It’s now become one of my favorites.

So, if you’re looking to try something new with a hint of fruity sweetness, I recommend this tea.

It would be amazing as an iced tea, too. I haven’t done it yet, but I can tell.

Hm. I think I know what I’m doing tomorrow…

Well, have a great Wednesday! I hope you have a nice cup of tea. (Or coffee. Or something.)

I got pranked good…

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Hello, Fluffsters. I hope your April 1 went ok.

I got pranked.

The place I frequently eat at- you know, the place with the Lemon Dessert– pulled a fast-one on me. They claimed to have Guacamole.

In reality, it was this… stuff:

"Guacamole" of a yellowish hue with corn chips.

That is supposedly guacamole. (With chips, of course.)

The picture makes it look a tad more yellow than it really was. It tasted a lot more like sour-cream, though. In fact, I’m not sure I could taste the avocado. It must have had some, since it was a greenish color, but it certainly wasn’t guacamole.

And yet I got some.

Well done, food service, well done.