Tag Archives: Fluffy

Somebody thought it was a good idea to create a “Squeaky Cat Organ”

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Greetings, readers!

For some reason I do not entirely understand, somebody thought it would be a good idea to create an “organ” (as in, the musical instrument) out of Squeaky Cats (as in, toys that “meow” when you squeeze them.)

Then the person decided to play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on it.

The result is remarkable.

Huh, reminds me of the final result in the “Music Battle” I shared about a while ago!


Well, readers, I wish you a happy Wednesday.

Book I highly recommend

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Greetings, readers!

I am finally getting around to recommending a book I read within the past several months. It is called “The Way of Kings”, by Brandon Sanderson. It is an the first book of an epic fantasy series. (Only the first two books are out so far.)

The characters, world-building, and plot are all phenomenal. Furthermore, it is temporarily available for free download from the publisher’s website, until the end of the day tomorrow (Eastern Time).

I would highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity to get a fantastic book for free.

Happy reading!

Rather Droll Ted Talk

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered a rather droll talk. It is a satire of a satire, and includes a bit of pointed discussion about PowerPoint presentations.

It also includes interpretive dance.

Although the talk gets a bit political at the end, I thought it was well worth the time to watch; it was quite droll.

I wish you a good Tuesday.

Lovely New Music

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Greetings, readers!

The Webmaster and I both have previously shared music by the group “Two Steps from Hell”, or TSFH. They are the group that composes the grand epic music.

Two days ago, they released to YouTube a new favorite. It is called “Stallion”. (I am not entirely sure why.)


Interesting technology for hair products

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered information about an interesting new hair product under development.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. You’re talking about a new hair product?

No, I am discussing the interesting technology involved. There is a difference.

For you see, this hair product is a dye that, after it is applied, will change colors based on its environment.

I find it fascinating that such technology exists, and is becoming purchasable.

Have a lovely day.

Crabs that Clone Anemones

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently introduced to an interesting type of crab. It uses anemones to bring food closer to it.

And it will periodically rip the anemone in half.

There is a rather remarkable article about it; I found it interesting, and hope you will as well.

Drones for Fun and Entertainment

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Greetings, readers!

Yesterday was a major entertainment event in the United States. One of the features of this apparently included a music show that incorporated drone technology for lovely effects.

The technology behind it is interesting, and apparently required more work than might have been anticipated.

Wired has an interesting article about it.


Falconry and Common Expressions

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed that the English Language owes falconry for a number of its common expressions. I did not read the entire article, but there is a convenient list about halfway down the page.

It is quite interesting, and I recommend reading it.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Cardboard Melees Exist

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an interesting phenomenon. Apparently, there is at least one group that utilizes cardboard to create armor and machines to stage melees and other events.

I do not particularly care about the soundtrack on this particular video, but it provides a demonstration of the type of event I was referring to.

Enjoy, and have a happy Wednesday.