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In honor of my Stalker Rainbow showing himself to me again yesterday-
…I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.
AS I was saying. In honor of him showing himself to me, I drew a picture of him. That way if he attacks me, I’ll be able to report him to the police, and already have the pictures for the wanted poster available.

He’s hiding in a TOTALLY inconspicuous way, so that he can POUNCE!
You’ve got to be the only one…
Who makes wanted posters? That’s not true! There are over 22,000 people searching for “wanted poster” templates! So, my wanted poster can’t be out of the ordinary.

Wainted: For General Creepiness
Uh… I was referring to your referring to rainbows as “creepy.” And drawing creepy rainbow pictures.
Now that is definitely not true. First, that picture isn’t that creepy, except for the rainbow in it. Even so, I couldn’t help but cute-ify him a bit.
Second, there are search results for creepy rainbow pictures. (A lot of them are a lot creepier than that picture. So I don’t suggest doing it.
…So why did you look in the first place?
Empirical evidence against your position?
…I guess that actually makes sense.
Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Thursday! Just think, it’s almost the weekend!