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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday.
So. Something slightly odd happened in Church yesterday morning. We were celebrating Epiphany, which is the day we commemorate the wise men bringing gifts to Jesus. That’s not the odd part.
Wait. Fluffy didn’t interject with a “how odd.”
If I did that every time, I’d become predictable.
I guess that makes sense.
But as I was saying. The odd part was what happened when we sang “The First Noel.” (It’s a classic Christmas carol, but it talks about the wisemen. So therefore it’s epiphany.) You see, I started actually thinking about what the words were saying in verse three:
And by the light of that same star, Three wise men came from country far; To seek for a king was there intent, And to follow that star wherever it went.
As you may have gathered by my emphasis, the last part before the chorus really stood out to me. I had this image of the wise men / three kings following the star to wherever it was.
…Hold on.
You drew a picture of “wise men three” with individual rocket packs? In space?
I understand that the physics probably doesn’t(? Don’t?) work. But the song does say that they followed wherever it went.
You have a very odd perspective.
Thank you, I think.
Well, Fluffsters, happy Monday! To any of you starting classes, I hope they all go well! And I hope to continue to provide you with a daily dose of procrastination stress relief! I hope you have an excellent week.