Tag Archives: cute owls

I saw an owl today!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, this morning, something fun happened. I was walking to where I’m working (which was not the fun part, in case you were wondering) and on my way, I actually saw a live, wild owl!!!!

I’ve been hearing him for a while, since I’ve been walking on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the very early morning, and he apparently leaves nearby. But today, I happened to look at the right time, and I was able to get a picture of him!

Picture of a wild owl! And sunrise.

The black speck in the picture is the owl.

Have a great day!

Owls again!

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Hello, Fluffsters! I recently realized, this blog has had a distinct lack of owls recently.

Fortunately for you, though, as I was researching potential topics for today’s post, I came across a Buzzfeed of Laughing Owls.

Owls are cute and friendly, and I suggest you show your support for them by following that link. 🙂

Happy Friday!