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Hello, Fluffsters!
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a fan of fantasy. I really like reading. One of the hard things, though, is finding a good place to read. That’s really hard!
You can come up with questions about muffin flavored shrimp, but finding a place to read is hard?
We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
But as I was saying. It’s sometimes hard to find a good place to read. But I have my own preferences. And they fall into two main categories.
What, places that fall into a nice category, and those that don’t?
Oh, hush. Anyways.
Places to read.
If I’m reading inside, it needs to be a squishy place. A couch chair with arms may be optimal. But sometimes on my bed is another good place. Basically, as long as I can lean back, and not need to exercise my arm muscles in order to read, I’m happy. In other words, lounging is best.
I’m a lot pickier for outside reading. A good location must fit several criteria.
First, it can’t be too populated. Actually, this sort of goes for any reading spot. But yeah.
Second, it needs to not be messy. I can’t be really comfortable if I know that I’m ruining a set of clothing, and might need to take a shower just because of reading.
Third, it can’t be too hot or cold. Or wet. After all, you really can’t read a book in the rain. (At least, not very well.) So, yeah.
So, these are the criteria for my reading spots! How about you, Fluffsters? What makes a comfy reading spot for you?