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So. My brother-in-law comes from a family where it’s apparently tradition to include prank gifts. I found this out last year, when he gave me a rubber chicken. (“It’s better to have a rubber chicken and not need one, than to need a rubber chicken and not have one!”)
Anyway. My gift for him (alas) is not up to those standards, as it’s almost something that people might want for themselves. (No, I”m not posting what it is. I know he won’t read this before he opens. But still. Principles. I have them. Ish.)
One of the features of the prank present is that it’s ridiculous to open. So, I’d originally planned in basically wrapping the thing in tape. I couldn’t find that much tape, though, so I ended up sewing it shut.
Yes, it was easier for me to find a needle and thread and to sew crepe paper shut, than to find more tape.
Priorities. I have them.
Again, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one.