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So… Long time no see. Ish. Or something.
You see, this is the Thousandth Post where I, The Webmaster, am the listed author. So yeah, some of them may essentially be posts from The Student on the cooking website, and I may have contributed significant amounts to some of the posts where Fluffy McGiggles is the listed author, but this is still the 1000th affiliated with “Webmaster” as the author. So, that’s exciting! And it feels like it should be a big deal.
And in honor of that, and in honor of Thanksgiving, the American holiday devoted to giving thanks, I just wanted to give a big shout-out to all of you. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for enjoying!
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. And here are some old posts that are coming to mind.
First, a relatively seasonally appropriate one from last year, pertaining to California and Fall. I’m not sure why, but I just really like that one.
Second, one that’s been getting a lot of new readers. (Even if they don’t really stick around…) It’s the one about “The Fox Box”.
Third, because the Fox Box reminded me of it… the various posts about The Fox Song. (That’s an example of one I basically wrote, but that didn’t get characterized as “The Webmaster Wrote This.” Oh well.) Also, my later analysis of The Fox Song.
I’m thankful that some existed. It meant I had the opportunity to write about it.
Fourth, I’m rather pleased that I discovered the Kitten Takeover. After all, who knows? If it’s a part of the rainbows’ plan, this might help!
Anyway. What are some of your favorites? What are some things you’re thankful for? I’d encourage you to take some time today, and reflect!
Happy Thanksgiving!