Tag Archives: animals

There’s a reason Kangaroos don’t use trampolines.

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So, I just found out… there’s a reason Kangaroos don’t invest in Trampolines for their backyards.

Is it because they do not have backyards?


Well, that’s not the reason I was going with. I mean, assuming Kangaroos did have backyards, they wouldn’t invest in the things.

Because it doesn’t end well. There’s footage.


Crabs that Clone Anemones

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently introduced to an interesting type of crab. It uses anemones to bring food closer to it.

And it will periodically rip the anemone in half.

There is a rather remarkable article about it; I found it interesting, and hope you will as well.

Simon’s Cat Compilation!

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So, Simon’s Cat uploaded a compilation video yesterday, in honor of Valentine’s Day coming up.

It’s basically the previous three Valentine’s videos, combined. But together, they tell a slightly different, more complete story than I’d originally noticed. So, yep!

Enjoy, and happy Saturday!

Bouncy Fluff

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So, a few days ago, I got to watch a very fluffy dog play on a wood floor.

It’s very amusing.

You see, due to all the fluff and the wood, the poor little thing wasn’t exactly able to get traction immediately. She would kinda scramble for a bit, and then be able to run. And she’d also slide a fair bit.

She did learn to turn herself when approaching a wall, however, so that she wouldn’t run nose first into a wall.

The amusing part was how she dealt wit it. You see, running still provided minimal traction. Bouncing like a rabbit, however…? That worked. So rather than just running straight forward, she would bound across the floor, going almost as far vertically as horizontally.

It was really cute.

Anyway, have a lovely Wednesday!

I understand written dog-noises…

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I had an amusing interaction with a dog yesterday. Well, the dog was amusing. Somewhat. Because of language.

Anyway. It was literally a dog that went “Bark.” Like, if I were to transliterate what the dog sounded like, it would be b-a-r-k. (With a softer k.)

The dog’s voice itself was also about the same volume as a normal human.

So, yeah. Dogs actually do bark. At least sometimes.

Have a lovely day!

Falconry and Common Expressions

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed that the English Language owes falconry for a number of its common expressions. I did not read the entire article, but there is a convenient list about halfway down the page.

It is quite interesting, and I recommend reading it.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Fluffy Fluff to start 2017

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So, slightly delayed picture… I actually took this more or less in time for New Year’s Day, but I’m posting it today due to the series that TotalFLuff was running.

The picture is of my dog as a burrito. I thought it was especially adorable.


Dog wrapped up on the couch.


My dog is a bit tilted.

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So, I previously posted about how my dog deliberately finds lumpy places to sleep. (Go figure.)

Well, today? I caught her not only on a lumpy location, but also with her body above her head. So, you know. Blood-rush towards he head. Or something.

It was cute, but in a “whatever, dog!” type of way.

And here’s a picture as proof.

Tilted (cute) Dog

Dog Askew

Have a lovely day!

Of Dogs and Lumpy Locations

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So. My dog. She’s being silly again.

I’ve noticed that she tends to find lumpy locations to sleep. If you give her the option of a nice, smooth bed, or a place with bunched-up fabric, she’ll take the bunched-up fabric. Always.

My best bet is that the lumpiness speaks to her inner-wolf by better imitating a cave. Or something. (No, I don’t quite know how to combine that with the fact that fabricy things aren’t as hard as rocky things. At least, they shouldn’t be…)

Anyway. I find it silly.

How about you? Do your animals do anything weird or ridiculous?

My dog talks in her sleep

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So. My dog. She’s really adorable. She’s also loud. Sometimes at the same time, and occasionally all when she sleeps.

You see, she’s a bit of a sleep-talker. I think there’s only been once recently that she’s woken herself up because she was howling in her sleep (yes, it was as cute as it sounds). Last night and this afternoon, though, there was definitely a bit of grumbling and a bit of high-pitched “I’m-asleep-and-dreaming” barking going on. Combined with a bit of leg-twitchies.

It was really cute. A bit distracting last night while I was trying to sleep. But still cute.

So, yep. That’s the relevant part of my life, recently. How about you?