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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, I’m not sure if you saw this as well, or whether you were too overrun by posts about the dress, but two llamas escaped on February 26. And there’s video footage of them being chased.
So, I thought I’d share that link with you, to provide you with a bit of animal fluff to start the week off with.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, this morning, something fun happened. I was walking to where I’m working (which was not the fun part, in case you were wondering) and on my way, I actually saw a live, wild owl!!!!
I’ve been hearing him for a while, since I’ve been walking on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the very early morning, and he apparently leaves nearby. But today, I happened to look at the right time, and I was able to get a picture of him!
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
In continuation of yesterday’s post, here are a couple of slightly longer agility competition videos. These are from the “Crufts” competition. I don’t know much about them, except they’ve got small agility competition finals videos, and the commentators have English accents.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I’ve had a slightly challenging week. So here are a couple of adorable energetic fluff videos.
I hope they brighten your day as much as they brighten mine.
One of the things I love about agility competitions is how much the dogs involved so obviously enjoy it. Especially as I grew up with a Bichon in the house. Our old Bichon used to love jumping and climbing. It was actually quite challenging when he was a puppy. We wanted to keep him out of certain areas, but we had trouble coming up with noninvasive barriers that were tall enough to keep him out. He was jumping over planks that were at least as tall as he was within the first month of coming home. And some of my favorite memories of him involve lying down on the floor, with some of my friends, and him successfully jumping over all of us. At once.
(He only weighed about 10-17 pounds at the “height” of his jumping days, so even if he missed, there was never any sort of serious repercussion for any of us.)
But, yeah. As I was saying, the dogs in agility competitions so clearly love it.
And just as proof that it does take a fair bit of skill, here’s one of the less perfect contestants. (Still good, just not as perfect as the first video.)
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Hi, Fluffsters!
I saw this link on a friend’s Facebook wall the other day, and I needed to share it with you. It is a map of every goat in the United States. Such a thing exists!