Violin and Chicken Duet

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Somebody shared this, and then I had to share. It’s a violin / rubber chicken duet. And it actually kinda works… And is rather impressive.


J. Strauss – The Blue Danube Waltz (Chicken Version)

J. Strauss – The Blue Danube Waltz (Chicken Version)

Posted by Twoset Violin on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dracula and Moonlight

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Somebody pointed out the other day that since moonlight is just reflected sunlight, Dracula should theoretically dustify in moonlight. Which got me thinking.

Given that vampires don’t actually have reflections, does that mean they react differently with other reflected things than we do? Like, you know. If they don’t have a reflection, then reflected things shouldn’t bother them. Right?

So, what are your thoughts? Should moonlight make Dracula go *Poof*?