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So. Lucas the Spider has another video out. This one involves him spinning a web. It actually came out a bit ago, and I missed it. Oh well! Enjoy!
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So. Lucas the Spider has another video out. This one involves him spinning a web. It actually came out a bit ago, and I missed it. Oh well! Enjoy!
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Piano Guys just released another piece. It’s just the music. And if it’s not an original, I’m not sure what themes it’s incorporating. (I hope not Christmas.) But it’s lovely.
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I just found out about an older YouTube phenomenon: “Extreme Japanese Ping-Pong”.
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There’s a new (Kid friendly!) How it Should Have Ended. This one’s for Incredibles 2.
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Yesterday, Sanderson’s new book “Skyward” was released. And it is fun. It’s actually something resembling a space opera.
I definitely recommend it.
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I got to get away for the weekend. And there was a lovely sunrise.
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A wildlife photographer found a family of mice in his garden. And so he figured out how to get them to pose.
The results are adorable.
Man Spots A Family Of Mice In His Garden So He Builds Them A Miniature Village
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The Twitter Account “A Small Fiction” gave another Tweet that I thought was worth sharing…
He always heard people gushing over creative types.
Artists. Actors.
So why didn't they appreciate him?
Creating problems is a skill too.
— A Small Fiction (@ASmallFiction) October 27, 2018
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I got a new, different set of silly putty recently. And it was basically the perfect color for making a fake danger noodle.
I took a picture. Isn’t the putty pretty?!
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I’m not sure what happened a couple nights ago, but I was on YouTube, and practically all the ads were actually interesting. They were for various Master Classes in music being offered.
I’m not sure whether it’s unfortunate that I have a tendency to listen to music in incognito mode so that YouTube doesn’t store my history… On the one hand, I don’t get ads for some really bizarre things that I accidentally find. On the other, if they do figure out my ad preferences, I don’t really get to keep those, either.
Ah well.
Have a great day!