(Language Warning in Link) Whamageddon begins!

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Are you familiar with Whamageddon?

It starts December 1st. The basic premise is to try to go as long as possible, between December 1 and Christmas without hearing a particular song.

Details (with some definite language — be aware) can be found here.

Good luck!

Kitten and Peacock

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Somebody shared a video of a kitten encountering a peacock.


1000 feather toys.

Posted by Catastrophic Creations on Sunday, September 30, 2018

Star Wars Christmas

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Ok. So, with less than a month left until Christmas, I think I’m ok sharing more noticeably Christmas-y songs.

So, here’s a Star Wars version…


Star Wars Christmas

Nothing like Star Wars to bring out the holiday spirit.www.FanXSaltLake.com#StarWars #Christmas #SpikeTV

Posted by FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention on Monday, November 9, 2015

Storm Troopers set up a Christmas Tree!

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Star Wars is fantastic. The most recent thing I’m thinking about isn’t officially official, but it should be. Somebody got a bunch of mini storm-troopers to put up a Christmas tree, and they took photos of the process.

