Category Archives: YouTube

Because Valentine’s Day calls for Poetry and Music

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Rather than a Valentine, I thought I’d share a celebrity reading poetry, and my current favorite love song.

So, yep.

Here you go! I hope you have a great one!

A favorite instrumental “love song”

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So, Tuesday is Valentine’s Day.

In part in honor of that, here’s a favorite instrumental “love song”-ish thing. (It’s basically pretty instrumental music, but the title has “love” in it, so I’m saying it counts.)

Happy Friday!

Tea Duels should become more common.

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So, I was recently introduced to the existence of a fantastic sportsyish-thing.

It’s called a tea-duel.

It’s basically a Victorian Era / Steampunk Inspired competition/game/thing. Two people have tea, dip their biscuit in tea, and the person who both holds their biscuit longest and gets it to their mouth successfully wins.

…And the video does a much better job of explaining than I just did. So, enjoy!

And I hope you have a lovely, sports-filled Sunday!

Fun Disney Impressions with Disney Characters

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So, there’s apparently a YouTuber who does really good voice impressions. Anyway, he went to Disneyland at one point, and did the voice impressions around various characters, and the results are fun.

Enjoy, and have a lovely Saturday!

Cardboard Melees Exist

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an interesting phenomenon. Apparently, there is at least one group that utilizes cardboard to create armor and machines to stage melees and other events.

I do not particularly care about the soundtrack on this particular video, but it provides a demonstration of the type of event I was referring to.

Enjoy, and have a happy Wednesday.

Moana — Alan Tudyk makes FANTASTIC chicken noises!

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So, a couple days ago, I went to go see Moana. I enjoyed it a lot.

One of the things I liked best (in part because I knew about it ahead of time) was that Alan Tudyk (K2 from Rogue One, Wash from Firefly, etc.) voiced the chicken.

Well, rooster.

You know.

And there’s proof.

Happy Thursday!