Category Archives: YouTube

The Jellybean Mosaic Song is getting stuck in my head.

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For the past week, the music video done with a background made entirely of jellybeans (which I shared with you a couple Valentine’s Days ago) has been getting stuck in my head. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. So, I’m going to inflict share the misery pain Joy with you. Because I’m nice like that.

Happy Tuesday!

Somebody thought it was a good idea to create a “Squeaky Cat Organ”

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Greetings, readers!

For some reason I do not entirely understand, somebody thought it would be a good idea to create an “organ” (as in, the musical instrument) out of Squeaky Cats (as in, toys that “meow” when you squeeze them.)

Then the person decided to play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on it.

The result is remarkable.

Huh, reminds me of the final result in the “Music Battle” I shared about a while ago!


Well, readers, I wish you a happy Wednesday.

This has been getting stuck in my head, so here it is again

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So, Question: what happens when you take a commercial jingle designed to be an ear-worm, combine it with other commercial jingles designed to be ear-worms in a lyrical way, and turn the whole mess into a well-done YouTube video?

Answer: It gets stuck in viewers heads. Repeatedly. For more than a year.

(But it’s still well-done, and so worth sharing again.)

Happy Sunday!

Why are lullabies always creepy?

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So, this one has nothing to do with Easter music. Except for this intro. You know. Whatever.

But anyway. I was listening to the gorgeous lullaby from the Pan’s Labyrinth movie, and noticed that the lullaby itself was fairly creepy / haunting / whatever.

And this shouldn’t really be too surprising. I mean, really. What about “Rock-a-by baby”? When the bough breaks? WHO COMES UP WITH THIS?

So, yeah. Here’s the piece I was listening to.


Rather Droll Ted Talk

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered a rather droll talk. It is a satire of a satire, and includes a bit of pointed discussion about PowerPoint presentations.

It also includes interpretive dance.

Although the talk gets a bit political at the end, I thought it was well worth the time to watch; it was quite droll.

I wish you a good Tuesday.