Category Archives: YouTube

BBC Celebrities Hamlet Skit

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I recently discovered a lovely little skit from the BBC, involving various celebrities debating where the emphasis should go for the famous “To Be or Not To Be” Hamlet Soliloquy.

Even though it’s really soft and hard to hear, it’s worth watching.


New Lindsey Stirling Video: Spider-Man

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There’s a new Lindsey Stirling video that just came out a ew days ago. It’s theoretically “the spider-man theme.” However, there have been enough versions (and I haven’t listened to the soundtracks for any of them, except through watching the movie) so I’m not sure which one it actually is.

It’s still lovely violin music, though! So, enjoy.

MORE Sherlock Parody Post-ness!

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It’s Friday. So, it’s basically the weekend. Yay!

In honor of that, I thought I’d give you another link that can help you stave off boredom this weekend. It’s the behind-the-scenes for the Hillywood Show Sherlock Parody.

(As a note, yesterday the parody got to OVER ONE MILLION VIEWS! In about FOUR DAYS! So, yep.)

Happy Friday!

For a weird start to your day…

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Somebody shared this recently, and it was weird enough that I had to use it as “fluff material.”

It’s someone’s version (/attempt) of the Imperial March from Star Wars in a Major Key, instead of its usual minor. There are a few chords I’d have modified, but it still works. So, here it is!

New Simon’s Cat! Fish Tank.

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Wow, this is the week for updates from some of my favorite YouTube artists!

Ok, so the Hillywood Sherlock Teaser was barely over a week ago. I’m still counting it. (And no, I don’t really even mind that Fluffy posted that one before me. She did a pretty reasonable job explaining why it was a good trailer. Maybe a bit wordsy, but whatever.)

And there was also a Lindsey Stirling video that came out.

And as of yesterday, there’s also a new “Simon’s Cat” video!

It’s called “Fish Tank.”
