Category Archives: writing

The Lost Prince of Hadanelle: Scene 3

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So I just realized, it’s been a long time since I last posted a scene from The Lost Prince of Hadenelle. Which is possibly a good thing, since it might mean that I’ve actually had a bit of time recently.

Or that there’s extra fluff in the world. You know.

But all that to say, Here’s scene 3 from “The Lost Prince of Hadanelle“.

Just a reminder, this is all a work in progress. Please don’t steal my work, etc., and please don’t expect this to stay the same between now, and when I finish the story.

I hope you enjoy!

Second Scene of a Story

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

Are any of you watching the Olympics? I know I’m enjoying them. Possibly a bit too much, since their eating into time I could be spending working on Fluff for you, but that’s life. Besides, this means that you get to read the next part of my story a lot earlier than I had originally anticipated!

If you haven’t already done so, you can read the first scene of my story.

Once you’ve finished that, here’s Scene 2 of The Lost Prince of hadanelle. (Working title, subject to change, yadda yadda, copyright whatever year it currently is, to the author and owner of this website, etc., etc., and so on and so forth.)

Once again, feedback is appreciated. I realize that this is not the most stimulating of all scenes, but it might add something useful to the story. It might not, but it might.

Well, have a great week!

First Scene of a Story

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I hope you’re having a marvelous weekend.

As further boredom prevention for you, and because I don’t really want to write a traditional post right now, I’m uploading the first part of a story I’m in the process of writing.

Heads’ up, I haven’t finished this yet. This means that this work is subject to change, being taken down, etc., without prior notice. And stuff.

Wow. Until the last “and stuff”, that sounded almost important.

Well, I try.

And without further ado, here’s the first scene from The Lost Prince of Hadenelle, by yours truly. (Working title and whatnot.) If you have any constructive / positive feedback, I’d love to see it in the comments! I hope you enjoy, and have a good Saturday.

Find Something to Write About

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

Saturdays are wonderful days. You actually have time to do stuff that you enjoy.

I know that for some, enjoyable things can be, like, writing. However, one of the problems with writing is that it’s sometimes hard to figure out what to write about.

(Believe me, I know. I run into it all the time with this blog.)

Well, never fear! For I am here to help you! Here are some:

Ways to Find something to write about.

1) Ask the GoogleIt’s really easy, and sometimes it even helps!

2) Look to real life experience. I know, that sounds really cheesy. And if you’re looking for something to write about, it sorta indicates that you’re out of ideas, which probably includes looking to real life experience. So, maybe nix that idea.

2) Start keeping a journal or notebook of ideas.

Wait… You just repeated 2 on your list.

No, I didn’t. I struck the first from the list, remember?

But as I was saying:

This mostly only somewhat helps in the long run. But when you have an idea, write it down. And then, you can look back at it. (And then laugh… Depending on how many years it takes you to look back.)

One of the biggest problems with this methodology, besides it taking a long time, is that notebooks (and even files on computers) are so easily lost.

3) Find a nice idea generator. I personally love Seventh Sanctum. They have a number of story generators that actually can actually be quite amusing. For example, the “Envisioner” generator gave me this gem: “The story of Jason and the Argonauts being about a group of barbers.”

Given that Jason and the Argonauts were on a quest to find the golden fleece, that actually sort of fits.

So, fluffsters, happy Writing! (or whatever your weekend may have in store for you.)

Coffee is Good

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m afraid I’m not the most coherent right now- I’m dealing with a nasty cold and sinus issues, and I don’t have easy access to filtered water with which to make coffee.

If you’re having trouble with the post, you could always let me write it…

And end up with another fluffy porcupine incident? No, thank you.

Instead, I think I’ll write about coffee.

Coffee is brown
It tastes oh so good
It’s quite a pity
It’s not a health food.

Coffee with cream
is very delightful
With it inside me
I am quite insightful.

That may have been worse than your “Bee” poem.

I gave you a heads’ up ahead of time, so I will not apologize.

Happy Sunday!

Origins Questions: Bouncy Balls

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday! I hope your week is starting off phenomenally well.

Today, I was struck by the concept of toy balls. They’re round, and they bounce. And sometimes they’re soft.They’re also frequently brightly colored, and sometimes a choking hazard. They also can provide hours of entertainment to children and adults. But who came up with them?

From what I remember, there have been balls around for at least a very long time. Wooden Balls are referenced in a number of historical fiction novels and fantasy novels. So, here’s my theory on:

The evolution of the Bouncy Ball

First, people started playing around in the mud. It was nice and softly squishy. You could make designs with it, and mud pies, and all sorts of wonderful things.

Then along came rocks. So one day, as little Johnny or Suzy was out playing in the wonderfully smooth and soft and delicate mud, a stone popped out of the ground, interrupting the previously uninterrupted hours of imaginative play.

They must have been shocked. Especially if they’d never seen rocks before!

Anyways. So after the rock stabbed him in the leg, Johnny would probably have examined it. If it stabbed him, it was probably a bit sharp. He might have thrown the rock away, or he might have kept it. Regardless, rocks were now introduced into the child’s play.

After the rock was introduced, more rocks started to spring up in the most unexpected places. After that, it was only a matter of time before one of the children found that you could shape a rock by banging on it with another rock.

After rock carving was discovered, it’s possible that somebody might have happened to shape a rock to form a smoother, rounder surface.

Once you have a round surface, it’s harder to hold on to. The smooth rock would have escaped poor Johnny’s (or Suzy’s) grasp, and… rolled! What fun!

The children would then have found a new toy to play with.

After rubber was discovered, it’s probable that bouncy balls were one of the first things invented. And from that time onward, bouncy balls became one of the prime toys of children everywhere.

The end.

That was… quite the story.

Explanation! Please. Stories are fictional.

And you always end your explanations with “the end”?

Anyways, thanks for reading, Fluffsters! I hope you have a great week.

The Phoenix and the Pineapple

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Greetings, Fluffsters! It has been too long since I’ve written a post.

You could have written yesterday’s…

You got there first. Besides, I like to keep my changes subtle. Like the change I did to- oh, right. I shouldn’t be telling you.

Change? What change? Where?

Oh, nothing… Pretend I didn’t say anything.

What did you change?

You don’t honestly think I’m going to tell you, do you?

Gah! Excuse me, Fluffsters. I’m going to try to track down Fluffy’s change…


Huh, that was effective.

Now, while she’s off on her wild goose chase, I’m going to tell you a story.

The Phoenix and the Pineapple

Once, a long time ago, one the Phoenixem had recently been reborn from the flames. It was a young phoenix, and had only celebrated its rebirth five times previously.

Now, each phoenix gains time between its rebirths. In fact, it may go up to as many months without a rebirth as it has had rebirths. So a new phoenix would burn into a new egg within a month. A Second Generating phoenix could wait up to two months. Of course, if something happened to it, it would instantly go up in flames into another egg. But no phoenix could enjoy its current generation for longer. The memories would survive each birth, and the personality would remain the same.

This young phoenix, as mentioned previously, just celebrated its fifth rebirth. It had lived, therefore, for nearly ten months. That of course is very young for a phoenix.

Within two days after its rebirth, the young phoenix decided to explore.

On wings of flame, it shot towards the skies- a comet in the clouds. Everyone who saw it watched with delight. There were only a few of the Phoenixem in existence. To watch one fly was said to bring Luck- both good and bad, for all magics were attracted to the Phoenixem – but the observers cared not. The spectacular beauty outweighed any potential negative effects.

That very day, a single seed fell in the spot of the Phoenix’s rebirth. The magics in the area sparked it to life, and out of the ground grew a slim pineapple plant. The plant absorbed the magics of the Phoenix, and glowed with an inner beauty. Rumors of this pineapple flew on the winds. Soon all had heard of it. Rumors abounded. Some claimed it would bring the dead back to life. Others claimed it would spontaneously combust. Before long, a crowd gathered around the plant. Half wanted to pluck the fruit and taste it; the other half were ready to defend it.

Finally, someone thought of the phoenix.

“It is a portent!” the villager said. “The Phoenix flew overhead, and the tree appeared! The Phoenix has not forgotten us; it left this in its place, to attract the magics!”

The villager was, of course, wrong. The Phoenix was young, and so had not intentionally drawn anything near its nesting ground. But none of the other members of the mob knew this.

“We must let it stand!” another villager said. “Eventually, it will ripen and fall on its own. Once that happens, we will see what it brings!”

And the villagers agreed. Although many still desired to pick it, they realized the folly of harvesting magic prematurely. And so they let the plant stand, and posted an honor guard, night and day, to watch the plant.

This lasted for 76 days.

On the 77th day, the Phoenix returned to its roost.

It came again on wings of flame, and the guards scattered. Although the phoenixem are peaceful, they may unintentionally harm others, for their flame is fierce.

When the phoenix returned to its roost, it noticed the plant with surprise and delight. It compared itself to the plant, and saw the inner glow. Slowly, the phoenix crept closer to the plant, still very curious.

It tilted its head around, to examine the plant better. It then finally understood. Despite the fact that it was glowing, the fruit was a pineapple!

A phoenix with its head nearly upside down

The phoenix tilted its head. It finally recognized the pineapple!

In the phoenix’s time abroad, it had come across the exquisite fruit multiple times before. It had developed quite the taste for them.

Without thinking about it further, the phoenix clawed the fruit open, and took a bite.

Delicious. The fruit was hot, sweet, and everything the phoenix looked for in a pineapple.

As soon as it removed he last vestiges of the fruit from the plant, to the phoenix’s surprise, the tree spontaneously combusted. In its place, a new seedling arose.

The phoenix smiled in delight, as only a bird can. The seed had gained some of the same magic of the Phoenixem! The fruit would regenerate!

And so the phoenix lived happily ever after with its fiery fruit.

The end.

Happy Tuesday, Fluffsters! Fare thee well, and I hope you have a marvelous day.

Comfort in a Storm

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Greetings, Readers! Or Fluffsters, as I guess we are calling you now.

Yes!!! I’ve gotten something to stick!!

Maybe that’s why you’re called “webmaster”?

But I digress.

Since this blog is supposed to be talking about Comfort for each day, and today I’m filling in.

Today’s topic of comfort is both night-time rituals, and storminess. Where I’m from, some magicians have special affinities. One family of wizards in particular has gone down in history: The Storm Mages. I don’t know if they really existed or not, but their story has been preserved in some of the plays we did.

One of the scenes involved a dramatic face off between them and all their enemies! There’s a really tender moment, because the heroes have just had their first child. And just a couple days later, the other wizards gathered to try to fight. And so the family must raise a storm for defenses. As the storm is being raised, the mother sings to the new child the Stormbringer’s Song. It’s really haunting, when sung well!

Here’s a segment of:

The Stormbringer’s Song

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this bed safe and warm.

The thunder will lull you to sleep, oh my Dear,
For it is designed to protect,
As I have designed to stave off all fear,
For it will all evil deflect.

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this bed safe and warm.

The rain and the hail will not harm thee, my child,
As long as thou art in this bed.
The water will keep out the things that are wild,
So safe in these walls, rest thy head.

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this squall safe and warm.

And then, of course, because my family grew up knowing this one, my mother would sing this one to us when a fierce storm was out there. It’s sort of comforting thinking that the storm is necessary for protection, and living with the notion that it’s harmless to you. That fantasy is fairly comforting.

Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Friday! What do you do to gain comfort in a storm?

Thank Goodness it’s Friday!

I love Fridays. They are seriously the best day of the week.

Oh? What makes them so special? Does your world have special flowers that bloom on one day of the week?

Uh, not that I’m aware of… No, the big thing is that Friday Night starts the Weekend!

Oh, I wish every day could be Frid-


…what was that about?

Don’t ever wish for things you don’t actually want.

…Don’t want? But I do want every day to be Fri-

No. You don’t. You haven’t thought this through.

Oh? And this is the voice of experience speaking?

Yes, actually.


And why? Why is it a problem?

Fine. I guess I may as well tell you about the time my brother Fuzzy accidentally wished for every day to be Friday… Here, here’s a copy of the Story I used for the annual story competition. I’ve modified the days of the week to more accurately match your world’s.

Thank Goodness It’s Not Always Friday

A long time ago, a brother and sister were two young stage actors in a family of actors. Their names were Fuzzy and Fluffy McGiggles. Fluffy McGiggles was a stunning actress, slightly older than Fuzzy, and more experienced in the way of the stage.

Fuzzy always envied Fluffy for her age, for that meant she was able to play the lead rolls in their family’s stage productions. Fuzzy yearned for the day when he would finally be able to join his older sister, and the rest of the actors, on the stage.

Finally, on his seventh birthday, his family decided he was ready to start. He only took a bit part, but he was thrilled. Fuzzy memorized everything he was supposed to do, and overall did a great job as a supporting actor during rehearsals. After several months of rehearsals, the actors decided to let him actually perform in front of a paying audience.

Fuzzy’s first performance was on a Wednesday. He was a bit nervous. When he got out on stage, though, his nerves disappeared. There were about a dozen people in the audience. It was a small enough crowd that it felt exactly like practice.

Although Fuzzy did a decent job, it was not nearly as exciting as he hoped.

“Don’t worry,” Fluffy reassured him after he expressed his disappointment the next day, “Friday will be better. We get so many more people on Fridays.”

Fuzzy nodded, and prepared for the Thursday performance.

That performance went about the same as the Wednesday performance. Fuzzy did a great job, as did Fluffy McGiggles and the rest of the actors, but he still didn’t have the same experience he had been anticipating. But Fluffy once again reassured him that the next night, Friday, would go better.

Friday dawned bright and beautiful, and Fuzzy felt as though maybe his older sister’s reassurances would prove accurate. The day was so sunny,he thought it even felt magical. But unfortunately, throughout the course of the day he grew accustomed to that feeling.

As the evening came upon them, and the McGiggles prepared for the show, Fuzzy once again felt a special sense in the air. There was no better way to explain it. He just attributed it to the delight of “Friday”, and anticipation of the show. Even backstage, he could tell that the crowd was a lot larger than usual.

He felt more nervous than he had even the first night of the show, but followed the breathing recommendations his sister had given him. Those helped, and he was ready when it was his time to enter the scene.

He acted like he’d never acted before. Actually, he didn’t so much act as lived the part. He felt the surroundings of the scene he was imagining, and could practically see the imaginary world. Fluffy was right, he realized. Fridays was amazing.

After the show was done, while he was still living in the moment of the final applause, he whispered softly to himself, “I wish every day was Friday.”

“Done,” came a soft whisper from the air around him. He glanced around, attempting to find the source, but could not find it. He assumed he just imagined it, and proceeded to completely forget about it.

The next day dawned brightly and crisply, just like the previous day. He yawned, and rolled to go back to sleep. After all, it was a Saturday. Everyone, even Actors, got Saturdays off. And even though he loved the stage, he also loved his sleep.

But Fuzzy had only just rolled over when Fluffy came in and yanked his blanket off.

“Wake up, Fuzzy,” She laughed at him. “You can’t sleep in on a Friday!”

“Friday?” Fuzzy exclaimed with excitement as he sat up.

“Yes, Friday! I don’t know how it happened, but the King and the High Wizards have declared that today is again Friday. And even the Calendars agree! So we have another show to do!” Fluffy was bouncing with excitement. She loved performing on Fridays.

Fuzzy bounced out of bed right after that, ready to start practice and prep for the day.

The day went quite well. Everyone was delighted by the King and Calendars’ surprise proclamation. Everyone performed their work with great energy. After all, it was a Friday. Everyone loved Fridays.

And as had happened the night before, there was a huge crowd out in the audience for the McGiggles’ Stage Production.

It was another perfect Friday.

And then the next day, it was once again Friday.

Fuzzy and Fluffy were still excited, and things went well. Indeed, up through the twelfth Friday in a row, everything seemed to be going well. But on the Thirteenth Friday, everything started to noticeably change.

Although Fluffy and Fuzzy hadn’t noticed, the crowds in the audience had slowly been decreasing.

The citizens were still required to work every Friday. And unlike the actors, they could not sleep later the next morning to compensate for staying up too late the previous night. And so they started not coming.

The Thirteenth Friday was when it was readily apparent. Fluffy and Fuzzy looked at each other in confusion, but also exhaustion. Although they did not need to awaken with the sun, they too were feeling the weight of not having a day off.

And so it continued, for 48 days of Friday. Finally, on the 7th 7th Friday, Fuzzy had enough. That 49th Friday performance had truly drained him, to the point of once again throwing a wish to the wind. Fortunately for him, whatever magic had been in the air his for his first Friday performance was there in greater strength on the 49th Friday. When Fuzzy dully wished that he week would go back to normal, a strong voice boomed deep within the earth a single word: “Done.”

The actors and the dozen people in the audience looked around, trying to figure out the source of the interruption, but to no avail. The hidden force was centered around Fuzzy’s wish, and could not be found now that the wish had been accepted.

The next morning, the citizens of the city got up to go to work, only to find that the King had not decreed another Friday. The Calendars, and the Wizards in the city confirmed this decision. The week had returned to normal.

So, Webmaster, that is why I will try to stop you if you ever try to wish for a day, or a type of day, to repeat. It is one of the most miserable things to happen.

I guess I hadn’t considered that. Fridays are especially a good thing because of the day after them, aren’t they?

Yes. If Saturday’s didn’t exist, Fridays would be no different from any other day.

Hm. Well, even though I’m slightly creeped out, Happy Friday, everyone! Enjoy your Saturday tomorrow!

Happy Pi Day!

From what I can tell, today is a very special day in certain communities. Apparently, it is “pi” day.

Ooh, it’s pi day already?

You actually know about this holiday?

Of course! It’s 3/14. Like “Pi”, one of the favoritist Greek letters of mathematicians! Stands for 3.1415926…

In fact, I composed a couple of poems about it.

That sounds… really scary.

What? It’s fun! In my first one, the number of words in the line maps to the digits of pi. In the second, the number of syllables does.

Want to read them?


Well, you’re going to anyways.

“Pi”em 1

Pie. How delicious.
Not the edible kind?
What, then, do you mean?
Are you sure you’re not in error about this?
Quite sure?
Well, what kind of pie, then?
The mathematical type of “pi”?
That sounds fun.
Maybe even poem worthy. Wait…
Isn’t that what I have done with this structure?

“Pi”em 2

Pie is good.
Even math’s pi.
You can make poems!
The syllables map to pi’s digits.
Isn’t that sort of cool?

See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?

Do you really want me to answer that?

Anyways, readers, are you doing anything special for Pi day?