Category Archives: Webmaster

A prairie dog is winning at costumes

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Somebody rescued a cute little prairie dog. And apparently the critter is happy being in costume. It’s very cute.


Pimpa a Rescued Prairie Dog

This Prairie dog will make your day

Posted by Power of Positivity on Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A scare for Halloween

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I have a scary thought for you, given that Halloween is coming up.

October is almost over.

How did this happen? Where did the time go? Wasn’t it January just yesterday or something?


I hope you get over that soon… I probably won’t. Have a good one!

This is not a leaf…?

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Somebody shared something that’s actually not a leaf. I think it’s a butterfly.


Dead leaf butterfly

The dead leaf butterfly (Kallima inachus) is a master of beauty and disguise.The species is found from India to tropical Asia and Japan.Join the Center for Biological Diversity's e-list of activists, citizen scientists and animal lovers here:

Posted by Center for Biological Diversity on Wednesday, June 20, 2018