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Hello, Fluffsters!
Just a reminder, I’m going on vacation tomorrow, and I might not be able to access the internet to make sure that Fluffy didn’t delete the post.
Ooh! I could, now that you mention it!
Of course, if she does I’ll be very upset…
So, without further ado:
Things concerning Cookie Dough!!
Yes, the two exclamation points are necessary.
So. Cookie dough. The stuff cookies are made of. It’s pretty amazing, right? I mean, how can you go wrong with butter, flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and sweet flavorings? (Besides it being unhealthy. I wasn’t even going to mention that! Why did you bring it up?!)
I know that if it didn’t have raw eggs in it, most people would just take the cookie dough over the baked cookies. (It’s that good.)
But what are some things you can do with it?
1) Eat it. This isn’t the safest bet. Salmonella, raw eggs, etc., are not always the best. Of course, the odds of you actually getting food poisoning from something like that… It might be worth the risk, right? Well, I normally don’t (beyond “cleaning” the bowl and beaters amounts, that is) but if you want to, that’s your choice. We at TotalFluff cannot be held responsible for your own decisions, however.
2) Mix it up without the eggs. And then eat it. Brilliant, right? All right, so it doesn’t taste quite the same without the eggs. But it’s still really close. After all, it’s the butter-flour-egg-sugar-vanilla-etc. combination that’s the best part!
3) Bake it. And then eat the cookies. So I guess, technically speaking, I wasn’t quite honest in number 1. I just normally eat my cookie dough in cooked form.
But as I was saying. There are two ways to bake it. One is in cookie form. The other is in bar form. If you’re doing it in bar form…
4) Half-bake it, freeze it, and then eat it. Done that way, it’s like halfway between cookies and raw cookie dough. It’s sorta like the best of both worlds. My roommate last year did this, and it was amazing. Seriously. Half-baked frozen cookie dough is one of the best forms of cookie I have ever had.
5) Store it by freezing it. And then turn it into cookies. This is especially useful if you only want to make a dozen or so cookies. You see, a full batch of cookies makes about 4-5 dozen. (At least with the recipe I use.) A half-batch (which is as small as you can go, until you find a way to use only half of an egg) makes about 2 dozen. But if you scoop out the dozen cookies you want, and then put the rest in the freezer, you’ve saved yourself a lot of work the next time you want cookies. (Or half-baked batter. Up to you.)
6) As with thin mints, turn it into ice cream. If you haven’t had cookie-dough ice cream, I’m not sure how you’ve survived on this earth so long. (Unless you’re lactose intolerant. Then it’s understandable- if you’ve survived this long on this planet while also being allergic to milk, you’re basically superheroes. Or something. And it’s also unsurprising that you’ve survived without cookie-dough ice cream.) But anyways. Cookie-dough ice cream is an amazing flavor. So you should totally try it.
Well, there you go! Happy Wednesday, folks! I hope you have a wonderful time the rest of your week. And if Fluffy deletes the post tomorrow, do let me know, and I’ll see what I can do.