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Call of Cthulhu, Dr. Seuss Style.
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Greetings unto you, this fine Monday! I hope it is treating you well.
I recently discovered a marvelously fluffified piece of old literature: A Dr. Seuss styled Call of Cthulhu on deviantArt. I highly recommend spending a few minutes and looking at it.
Have a wonderful week, readers!
A favorite YouTube How It Should Have Ended
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Once again, I’m a bit tired. So I’m just going to share a favorite YouTube video with you. It’s a “How it should have ended” original, in “honor” of the reboot of Star Trek.
I personally find it rather amusing, especially as it points out good points about the movie. (If you haven’t seen the reboot, you might not find it as funny.)
Want to buy a fox?
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Today’s post is very short, because it can be. I just discovered that you can buy a domesticated pet fox. For about $9,000, but they’re still for sale.
Does anyone want to buy me one?
Because this post seems to short without something else, here’s a very impressive video. There’s already a marching band version of “what does the fox say.” The video went up on September 14.
“Food” I ate today
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Sometimes, I really don’t know what on earth the cooks where I am are thinking. Seriously.
I went to the dessert section, and this is what I saw:
“Lemon dessert”. And the most opaque, weirdest looking key lime pie I’ve ever seen. (The chocolate cake doesn’t look bad, but I’m not a fan of most mass-produced chocolate cakes. Especially from this place.)
I think the white stuff is the “lemon dessert.” I still have no idea what it was. But I figured it was fluff, and so I needed to take a picture of it, and try it. All for you, Fluffsters, and for the good of this site!
Your dedication to this site is heartwarming. And maybe gag inducing.
You have no idea. Here’s what the servings of the dessert looked like:
The good news was that they actually tasted ok. The Key “lime” pie could have used much more lime flavoring, but it wasn’t bad. I’d give it probably about a 3/5 for flavor. If you need to pay for it, it’s totally not worth it. If you get it with your meal, however, you can go for it if you really want dessert. It’s not phenomenal, but the flavor was ok.
The Lemon stuff (the white fluff on the plate) was slightly sour and sweet, I think. In all, the flavor wasn’t bad. I’m not entirely sure I could have differentiated between the key lime pie, the whipped cream, and the “lemon dessert” with a great deal of accuracy on the flavor, but it didn’t taste bad. The flavor again wasn’t quite worth spending money on. (Unless it was a sorbet of some sort. That would likely have been worth it.)
The cherry was a typical maraschino cherry, fortunately. So it tasted moderately fruitlike, really sweet, and fairly synthetic. I love maraschino cherries!
The consistency of the things, however…
The key lime pie was a little thicker than I was used to, but it was ok. Combined with the flavor, though, and it’s only worth getting if you’re really in a mood for dessert. Or writing a fluff blog, like I am. It would certainly not be worth spending extra money on.
Fortunately, there’s not much anyone can do to maraschino cherries. That was about as expected, and probably the most normal, least synthetic thing on the plate. I’d spend money for that type of cherry. Maraschino cherries are fantastic! (And so consistent, too!)
The “lemon dessert”, however? Well, I don’t think words can do it justice.
I would probably give that dessert about a 1.2/5. It didn’t taste bad, it just was very… weird. And had a bizarre consistency. I’m not sure I even noticed the flavor, the texture was so different. I would not recommend getting it, even if it’s included, unless you’re a) masochistic, b) writing a blog about food / fluff, d) always curious to try new culinary… “experiences”, or c) both.
I sort of expected it to have a whipped cream or cool whip sort of consistency. It didn’t. It was practically impossible to describe. So here’s a video of my actually using a bit of pressure on the spongy, almost gelatinous whipped substance. Enjoy?
Happy Thursday!
Moon Picture
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Pretty Sunsets
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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday.
Today, I’m just going to leave you with some pretty sunset pictures.
I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
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Greetings, Fluffsters! I hope you are well.
I am not feeling particularly inclined to write too much today, but the Webmaster has put enough fluff and nonsense onto this blog to last the rest of the week. Because of that, I will be posting a link to an interesting article here.
This is an article with video footage about octopi. They’re really fascinating creatures.
I recommend that you look at it.
Happy Thursday!
Fluffy Animals: Kitties!
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Hello, Fluffsters! And welcome back to today’s edition of Fluffy Animals!
Oh goody. I’m soo thrilled.
Oh, good! I’m glad somebody is.
Why do I even try sarcasm. Why do I even try?
Today’s Fluffy Animal post is…
Yes, what kind of blog about fluff would this be if I didn’t have a post devoted to man’s worst enemy, the cat?
… Worst enemy? Really?
I mean, think about it. You see articles and books on how to tell if your cat is trying to kill you. You don’t see that sort of thing with dogs.
But I digress.
Information about kitties
1) They are cute. Especially when younger. After all, the only problem with kittens is that they eventually turn into cats.
2) They are useful for rodent control. Of course, if you love rodents, this is another problem. You wouldn’t want your kitten to kill a Marmot, would you?
3) Intelligence of conversation decreases as a kitten gets closer. XKCD says so, and they wouldn’t lie to us, right?
So, there you go! Happy Monday.
Seriously? That’s it?
It’s after midnight my time as I’m writing this, and I’m getting up too early my time tomorrow, which is when this is going to be posted. So, yes. I’m not responsible-
-Boy is that ever true-
-for the rest of this post. You can write more, I suppose…
All right, I will!
After all, you left out some of the best parts.
Fluffy’s perspectives on Kitties
1) They are awesome carnivores. Unlike dogs, they don’t eat carrots. At least, normal cats don’t.
2) They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I kid you not. There are huge cats, medium sized cats, and very small cats.
3) Some cats are celebrities. Take Grumpy Cat, for example. I’m sure you’ve heard of him her. (Can you really believe that Grumpy Cat is female? That just seems very odd. She looks like she should be male.) Or Nyan Cat.
4) Some “wildcats” are extremely cute. In fact, I’m not sure whether Ocelots and Horpadies might actually share some sort of purpose in life- being really cute and deadly at the same time.
And that is a much more reasonable fluff post- don’t you agree? I fully realize that I left many details about cats uncovered, but I think it’s still significantly better than how the Webmaster was originally going to leave it.
Things To Do Concerning Cookies: Freshly Baked
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BWAHAHAHA! I found INTERNET! That means that Fluffy couldn’t delete yesterday’s post!
I tried, to. Just for the fun of it…
But anyways. Happy Friday, Fluffsters! I hope you’re having a great week. Today’s post is about
Things To Do Concerning Freshly Baked Cookies
Didn’t you already talk about this?
Across the different cookie posts, maybe. But in terms of just the freshly baked cookies? No.
Now, I know that this looks fairly obvious. When you have freshly baked cookies, you normally
1) Eat them. After letting them cool a bit, presumably, so that you can actually pick it up. But even that isn’t entirely necessary.
So I’m sure you’re now asking, “Webmaster, why even write a post about this? What else can you do with freshly baked cookies?”
Good question, Fluffsters! I’m glad you asked!
This leads us to 2) Put a large scoop of ice cream on it. Some restaurants do that, and sell it for a fair amount of money. Especially if you bake it in a small pan. That’s really good. I’ve primarily seen this done with chocolate-chip cookies, but I imagine that oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, Snickerdoodles, or basically any other type of cookie. If you like, you can put a candle in it and call it a birthday cake. (Or an unbirthday cake, if it’s not actually your birthday.)
3) Take a picture. Put a filter on it, and post it on Facebook. After all, we do need more instagramish type things, right?
…That was a bit of a stretch. Didn’t you already mention that for something?
…Ok, maybe. But you can still (apparently) instagram a lot of different types of things.
4) Take advantage of the extremely soft state and decorate them. You know. Like as previously mentioned, you could put peanut-butter cups in them. Or, if you prefer, you could take colorful candies and stick them in to create designs. (This especially works well with chocolate-y cookies, as many colorful candies are more chocolatey.) But chocolate candies would also be excellent with peanut butter cookies. (If you do that, take a picture and send it to me at webmaster (at)
Well, that’s about all I can think of without experimenting, which I won’t be able to do for a while. (I’m a ways away from any of my baking supplies. It’s sad.) But if you can think of anything else to do with them, let me know?
Happy Friday! I hope to talk with you tomorrow!