Category Archives: Star Wars

What If Star Wars Episode III was Good?

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Greetings, readers!

Today’s post is the third in the “What if the Star Wars Prequels were actually Good” series. This one, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, only came out this month.

Again, the usual language warnings are in place.


What If Star Wars II Was Good?

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Greetings, readers!

Today’s fluff is a continuation of yesterday’s. The same person who developed a redesign of Star Wars I also created a “What If” for Episode II: Attack of the Clones. It, too, is well done. (Again, I do not recall what language warnings to give to this video.)

I hope you have a lovely day.

What If Star Wars I was good? (A Re-post)

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall from a bit more than two years ago, I shared a YouTube video that examines what retweaking might have made Star Wars I: Phantom Menace actually good. As a brief reminder, I do not recall exactly what language warnings may be required pertaining to the video. I simply recall that it is well worth highlighting again, especially as the new movie has come out, and it has not disappointed critics nearly as much as the prequels did.

So, enjoy.

Seasonal Music — Star Wars (again)

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As I mentioned yesterday, Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens is officially in theaters today! (I actually got to go last night, and it was a fantastic opportunity.) (Please note, that was spoiler free. I would describe the opportunity that way, regardless of the quality of the movie itself.)

Anyway. As I mentioned, though, that still means that Star Wars music can now be seasonal!

So, enjoy the opening theme and the Imperial March! They’re traditional, and favorites.

Star Wars 7 — This Star Wars TV Spot is Creepy

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I encountered the Star Wars 7 “TV Spot” the other day. And it’s really creepy.

I mean, LISTEN TO IT!!!

“I’ve lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people”? Are eye-transplants that common where the narrator’s from? Like, is she advertising a new technology? “New today! Sign up to be an EYE DONOR!”

Yeah. I’m not entirely sure what Disney was doing with THAT one.

Have a lovely Tuesday! (If possible.)

Star Wars Music featuring Pentatonix!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, apparently there was some sort of music award yesterday or something. I’m not sure what the occasion was. But, The Pentatonix (a fairly famous singing-group) ended up being featured for a Star Wars Tribute piece. And it was well done!

Have a lovely Monday.

Darth Jar Jar has a Website

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Remember the Darth Jar Jar conspiracy I shared a couple days ago?

Well, I recently found out that it’s popular enough, there’s an entire website devoted to it. And alternate views. It’s called, naturally,

Have a lovely Wednesday!

Darth Jar Jar Conspiracy

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I’m back to Star Wars posts. Because they are always fun!

This one is a tiny bit late to the game, but I wanted to make sure that you all were aware of the “Jar Jar Binks is Eviler than we Thought” conspiracy. (That’s what I’m calling it, anyway.

It’s an amusing premise from a Reddit user. And well worth the read.

Have a lovely Monday!

Star Wars 7 Geeking Out — Not Star Wars 7

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I saw something fun last night. It’s a “lightsaber” “battle.” (In reality, it’s a probably highly-choreographed fencing match with toy lightsabers.) But it still looks fantastic! So, you should check it out.

Have a lovely Tuesday!