Category Archives: Star Wars

New Star Wars Spin-off Footage!

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I am somewhat excited. Yesterday, new footage of the spin-off Star Wars movie (Rogue One) was released. And it includes some behind the scenes stuff. It looks really cool. And it’s an interesting way to do a trailer.

So, enjoy! Happy Saturday!

Star Wars Day Ideas!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!


(You know, “May the Fourth Be With You.”)

Anyway, in honor of that, here are a few ideas for what you can do in honor of this lovely day:

a) Drink Coffee. Of course, this doesn’t have to be only in honor of Star Wars Day. But, you know. Dark Side Coffee and all.

2) Eat Chocolate! Same logic applies. Dark Chocolate. Dark Side. It makes sense.

3th) Find some of those glow-stick-y-things. Make them light up. Have a lightsaber fight!

Last) Play with automatic doors. Pose as though you have force-powers.


Ad for a Trailer

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. Trailers. They’ve really changed over the course of the years…

These days, they’re an art form all to themselves.

And why do I say this? Well, because there are now advertisements for the trailers. Like, seriously. “Hey, here’s an ad for your ad!”

In related news, though, I’m definitely hoping to watch that trailer when it comes out later today!

Have a lovely day!

Very Well Done Star Wars Fan Film

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Greetings, readers!

Yesterday, I discovered a fan-made Star Wars film that came out about two days ago. It is a very well choreographed, cinematically excellent nearly 20 minute long YouTube video that looks at Darth Maul.

Of course, this video has its problems. (Especially where plot is concerned.) However, given that it is fan-made, I choose to mostly ignore those when I recommend watching. Given some of the shots and the choreography, it is astonishing to me that it is, in fact, fan made.

I hope you have a reasonable Monday.


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Hiya, Fluffsters!


In case you couldn’t tell, this makes me happy.

Also, the official link has a touch of behind the scenes footage! Only about less than 10 seconds. But still worth checking out.

Have a lovely day!

A song that deserves re-visiting

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, Fluffy shared this video about a year and a half ago. But given that the new Star Wars movie is out and is doing well and stuff, I thought I’d share it with you again. Because it’s worth it.

And because it’s something good that came from the prequels.


Surprisingly Sweet How It Should Have Ended

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today’s post isn’t puppy related. Instead, it’s once more Star Wars related. (Because, really. How can you ever have enough Star Wars in your life?)

It’s a “How It Should Have Ended” video for Revenge of the Sith. I normally like their work. And it only came out a couple weeks ago.
