Category Archives: real world

You should be pleased to know this.

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I think you’ll all be pleased to hear that I’m fairly sure my neighbor’s house is not, and was not, on fire.

Have a lovely day!

Wait a moment, Webmaster. Are you honestly going to just leave us hanging like that? WHY WOULD YOU POST SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!

Umm… yes? Because I think it looked like there weren’t flames when I went by yesterday evening, and the huge amount of smoke smelled like cooking?

…Ah. That makes se–

–actually, no. I have no words.

Suit yourself.

Yup! Happy Sunday!

City CA might have worse internet


Once again, I’m needing to write this post on a phone. Because once again, in the heart of California, the internet is not working.

The thing that is particularly amusing me at the moment is that my relatively “country” existence recently (I’m just visiting CA) has had more consistent internet.

So, do you think there’s a relation betseen city CA and bad internet?

There’s something comforting about a glittery bedspread

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I found the old blanket I made a while ago.

It has a charming butterfly print. More to the point, it’s also glittery! (But not the scratchy knd. It’s more along the lines of the magic-fairy-dust-of-awesomeness kind.)

By extension, it’s also very pretty. And it provides a bit of Fun Interest. And it’s just generally comfortable to be reunited with a slightly older blanket.

So, what have you found recently that’s provided you a bit of comfort?

You can get a travel mug that’s more expensive than the coffee maker!

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So. Puzzle for you.

Which is more important? The coffee-making process? Or the coffee storing process?

Because I just discovered you can spend more on the coffee mug than on an actually decent coffee maker.

(I just found a travel mug for $150. It comes with temperature control. The top-of-the-line K-Cup maker is about $100.)

So, where would you spend your money?

A problem with going through Old Things

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So. Summer. I’ve been going through some Old Stuff that should probably be cleared out to an extent.

And I’ve encountered a problem.

You see, there’s a lovely stationery set I’ve come across. I have the company that we got it from. But, it’s apparently no longer in print. So now I’m faced with the problem of whether to use them (and by so doing clear up the space but no longer be able to use them) or whether to keep them and let them remain as clutter.

Tough decisions.

Now see, if I hadn’t gone through The Things, I might not even realize they exist!

What are your excuses for not cleaning?

“Chocolate hummus” is a thing?

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So. Somebody recently posted about a thing I’d never heard of: chocolate hummus.

I have no idea how I feel about that. I mean, I realize that mostly I think of hummus as being garlicky because there’s garlic in said hummus, not because chickpeas always taste garlicky. So, that’s probably not an issue per say. But it’s still weird to think about.

What do you think?