Category Archives: question

Golf Ball Video Camera

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Hello, Fluffsters! It’s a bit past my bedtime when I’m writing this, so my apologies in advance.

You know, if you don’t have an Idea you could always let me write your Fluff…

No, no. I’ve got an idea. It just might not be a very good idea.

You see, my idea is this:

What would happen if you were able to turn a miniature video camera into a golf-ball?

…You’re right. Not a very good idea.

But it is an idea.

By rough definitions, yes.

So going back to the question. I think that one or more of several events might occur.

First, the video camera might break. That would be sad. So whoever was using it would need to be fairly careful with it, to make sure it wasn’t hit too hard.

Second, it might make watchers queasy. After all, flying through the air (and possibly spinning?) at such high speeds is sure to be disconcerting…

Third, it would prove that we can call anything science. “Why did you design a video-camera golf-ball? SCIENCE!!1!”

Fourth, it could be used as a spy device by the Rainbows. Don’t ask me how, but I know they could hack into the video system somehow.

How about you, Fluffsters, any other thoughts?

Boring Things I’m Calling Comfortable (6/6): Finishing

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Hello, Fluffsters! With this post, I’m DONE WITH THIS CHALLENGE! BWAHAHAHA!

Because of that, I’m turning “finishing” into my boring thing I’m writing about as comforting.

The Comfort of Finishing

It’s seriously a comfort to be done with finishing stuff. Seriously. And this week, I’ve finished (or will have finished) a lot of things. I got a lot of paperwork turned in so that I’ll be making money this summer (yay!), I’m going to be finishing a class in literature, I’ve just finished a paper, and all sorts of other things.

Those are now no longer hanging over my head, and have freed me up to think of random questions! And other topics!

So, I do have a question. What would a bird bath for Phoenixes look like? Would it still be water? Or burning oil?

Also, if there are emergency defibrillators, are there normal defibrillators? And do defibrillators remove all deceptions, or just minor ones?

You lost me on that one.

Well, a fib is a small lie. So a deFIBrillator would be something that removes fibs, right? But what about larger lies? Does that require a heavier duty delierillator? (Would a Delyrerelator get rid of stringed musical instruments?)

Any thoughts, Fluffsters?

Anyways. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday!

Hot or Cold?

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday! Are you having a good weekend?

Where I am, the weather was amazingly comfortable yesterday. It was in the 40s-50s.

In case you can’t tell, I like cooler weather. After all, you can always put another layer on. You can’t always take another layer off…

But what about you? Do you prefer warmer or cooler temperatures? Which are more comfortable?

Favorite Stuffed Animal (NaBloPoMo 1)

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Hello, everyone! Happy May!

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m going to be trying to participate in a NaBloPoMo thingamabop. So if you’re here from that, welcome! I hope you enjoy this site!

Anywho. Today’s prompt is

“Did you have a favorite stuffed animal or lovey as a child? Tell us about it.”

Before I answer… Fluffy, did you?

…Of course you’re having me answer this before answering it yourself.

As it happens, I’m not entirely sure what your world means by stuffed animals… Peeves was a bit stuffed after she ate too much. But is that really what you mean?

Oh. I can see where that would be confusing!

But no. Stuffed animals are animal toys, usually fairly soft. Actually, I’m surprised I haven’t featured more of them; they fit Total Fluff perfectly!

When I was younger, for example, I used to have a lot of stuffed animals. Beanie Babies, Disney character animals, other miscellaneous stuffed animals, I loved them.

It made me so happy when I got my first horse stuffed animals one Christmas, shortly after I started horseback riding lessons. One was from my sister. It was a fairly big appaloosa stuffed animal, with a lovely red scarf around its neck. Because I was so original, his name was Apple.

Sometime shortly after that, one of my really good friends from that time got me a smaller appaloosa.

One of my two absolute favorite stuffed animals, though, is a GIGANTIC PINK UNICORN. Again, my sister got that one for me!

One of my other favorite stuffed animals was Chip the Cat. He’s an example of a pillow-pal, I believe, by TY. He was a birthday gift one year from a very good friend. When I got him, he was the softest thing in the world. At this point, he’s a little worn. But he’s still one of my other favorites.

But I got distracted. Does that explanation of “stuffed animals” make more sense?

Ok. I know what you’re talking about, now! And yes, I had one. And it was my favorite.

My parents, on my fifth birthday, gave me a toy that looked exactly like Peeves. I loved it, and brought it with me everywhere. I eventually outgrew it, of course. But I think my parents still have it somewhere. It might still even be used as one of the props in their performances sometimes.

Aww, that’s sweet!

You didn’t tell me you were going to get sentimental on me. Otherwise, I might not have said anything!

Why do you think I didn’t warn you about sentimentality?

… Good point.

But anywho. How about you, readers? Did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were growing up?

Two Worthwhile Webpages

Hello, everyone! I hope your middle-of-the-week goes quite well.

In order to help ensure that it does, I have decided to share a link with you, a link of mind-blowing cuteness. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. But one of my favorite blogs,, has just shared a whole lot of totally adorable art that you have to check out. Seriously. Did you go yet? I mean, YODA! Look at him. I can’t get over it!

…Really? Two over-the-top fluffs in a row?

Well, I guess I need to balance out the “adorableness” of this one, too. I think I have lost all hope for humanity, due to some people fanning over nonexistent bands. Although I do have to admit, it’s an amusing video. You would enjoy watching it.

Yeah, whatever, Fluffy.

Anyways, readers, I hope you have a wonderful day!

As a random-question-of-the-moment, what would you do with a purple orange?

Name the Ducks!

Before we start the post, Hi! If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this explanation of what’s going on. Thanks!

Ok, now that that’s over with…Hi! As you may recall, in yesterday’s post I posed a challenge for naming two photobombing duck ninjas. Today, I’m asking for your favorites!

When will I learn that the Webmaster’s serious whenever she plans on making things multiple parts?!

So anyways, here are the favorites:

1) Black Ninja, and Purple Ninja.
2) Pip & Squeak,
3) Muaha & Haha, for the purpose of “MUAHAHAHA” excuses,
4) Slartibart & Craig
5) Scout and Bandit

So, I’d like it if you would weigh in! I’d like to hear your thoughts.

(And it might not be too late to submit a name. If you come up with something absolutely perfect, please submit it. And readers, if you see a name in the comments that you think looks amazing, let me know!)

Happy Thursday!

**Update: Another set of names I like: Merry & Pippin.**

Problems with Photobombers

So, yesterday evening, I had an unfortunate problem. And, readers, I need your advice.

The weather was actually lovely, and so I decided to try to take some pictures.

How unfortunate.

What? No! That’s not the problem.

The problem was that there were these two that kept following me around and photobombing my pictures.

What is it with you and things following you around?

…At least it isn’t mold.

But anyways, as I was saying. They were seriously getting into every picture I took last night. Even a picture of my food! Like seriously. I was taking a picture of my dinner, and before I took the picture, they’d stolen some of my bread, and got into my picture.

Anyways, my question is this:

Two Ninja Duck Photobombers

My Two Photobombers

What are their names?

Your photobombers are ducks? Ninja, rubber ducks? And you’re asking for help naming them?

I know! Isn’t it horrible? I mean, just look at the photos they got into!

Two ninja ducks hiding behind a lamp post

For ninjas, they don’t actually hide very well.

Ninja Ducks photobombing a picture of a shrubbery

I see you lurking there, ninja ducks…

A ninja duck hanging upside down in the photo

Uh, hello there… HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THERE?!

The ducks even photobombed my picture of ninjas!

They even photobombed my picture of two ninjas I found!

Ninja Duck photobombs a sunset picture

Yes, ninja duck, that IS a nice picture of a sunset that YOU JUST PHOTOBOMBED!

The Ninja Ducks STOLE some bread, and ATE it in my PHOTO


So, as I was saying: What are their names? I’m honestly looking for suggestions. I feel like these ducks will show up in some stories at some point, but I don’t know what to call them!

So far, suggestions have been Pumpernickle & Harmonne, Scout & Bandit, Squeaky & Khanji, MSP & .NET (that was from a different computer programmer from the one that helped me previously, actually…), Black Ninja & Purple Ninja (The one in black is clearly Purple Ninja. And vice versa.) and Brutus & Caesar.

After I get enough suggestions, I’ll put your favorites into a new post, and ask for last reviews. So, leave a comment! Who knows, your proposed name might become their names!

What’s Worse than a Cold McDonald’s Fry?

Hello, everyone!

And Happy Saturday! Man, after yesterday’s post, I’m suddenly appreciating being able to say that.

Anyways, I hope that your weekend is going well. I love good weekends! Although there are few things more disappointing that a weekend going badly. Especially when it looks like it should be a good weekend. That’s really sad.

Speaking of things going badly, I asked some random people about French Fries. But not just french fries.

You know, you really need to work on your transitions…

Yeah, whatever. It worked, didn’t it? At least until you sidetracked me.

Anyways, as I was saying, without further ado:

What Are Five Things Worse than Cold McDonald’s French Fries?

5) Cold Fries from a cafeteria. Those are often just gross anyways, so making them colder makes them on about the same level as McDonald’s French Fries.

4) Molding Potatoes. They apparently smell bad, too.

Seriously, what is up with you and moldy things?

Ok, so, first of all, that was a response to the question. From a real person. Who I asked. And Second, this time at least I’m not justifying the mold, ok?

But back to the list.

3) I’m not sure, but I think that muffin flavored shrimp are probably fairly bizarre.

I hadn’t even realized those were considered “food”.

Moving on…

2) Deep Fried Lizards. Apparently, according to this source, you can buy them in Shanghai. Another friend tried to make the case that it didn’t sound too bad.

I guess it might depend on the size of the lizard, and whether you’re supposed to eat the bones. But it still sounds like it would probably be worse than a cold McDonald’s Fry.

1) Chocolate covered cicadas. I don’t think I need to add anything to this.

But anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your weekend, free from any of these foods!

You are given an Angry Banana: How do you respond? (2)

Hello, everybody! Welcome back to the top responses to being given an angry banana! We left off at four.

Oh. You were serious about making it two parts.

Of course! You were emphatic about my getting enough material. And since I had enough for two posts, I’m going to use it!

So, back to:

Top Ten Responses To: “You are given an Angry Banana. Now what?”

6. Use it as a boomerang. If you use a banana, that’s just sort of lame. If you use an angry banana, there’s a slim possibility that it will go out of its way to hit your target, because it’s angry. Or it might refuse to come back, because it’s angry. Which means that you wouldn’t need to worry about dealing with an angry banana. Or, it might refuse to hit the person you aimed at, and then come back and hit you in the face.

Ooh, that actually sounds fun…

8. Slap someone in the face. Slapping someone in the face is just silly. Slapping someone in the face with an angry banana? That brings it up to epic. “I slap you in the face with a banana. An ANGRY banana. BWAHAHA!”
9. A-peel to its better nature. I don’t actually know how to respond to this one…
10. Pacify it with an amiable grapefruit. Maybe the banana’s angry because it’s lonely! If you give it a friend, and a friendly friend, I bet it would get much more cheerful. After all, wouldn’t you be happier with an amiable grapefruit buddy?

So there you go, folks! Ten uses for an Angry Banana.

Wait a second… I think you mean 9.


I saw what you did there. You changed the last 7 to 8. Instead of 9.

Ok… So I may have been slightly off on how many best responses I have… So fine, real ten: Do a close up portrait of its expression.

Angry Banana Eyes

Angry Banana’s Angry

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you have a great weekend.

Here, Have an Angry Banana.

I can’t think of anything I can write about fairly quickly, so here’s a picture of an angry banana.

Angry Banana

The banana’s ANGRY!!!

Well, there you go! Happy-

No. You are NOT calling this an adequate fluff.


This is way too short. Go out there, and find more content.

Even though you likely won’t like what I come up with?

Hey, you wrote the post. And if you don’t get the wordcount up to at least 200, I’m writing the post.

…Fine. Just give me a few minutes.

Bwahaha! Some way of possibly getting to post again! Hmm, now what will I write about when the Webmaster fails? Ancient Spring traditions of my home? Magic rituals…? Oh, the possibili-

I’m back, and I have content!

If you don’t write it, it didn’t happen.

Well, you’re in luck, because without further ado:

The Top Ten Responses to “You are given an Angry Banana: How do you respond?” (Part 1)

  1. Eat it. This seems obvious. After all, if you eat it, it will no longer be angry.
  2. Study it. Why is the banana angry? Were its parents mean to it as a child? Is it suffering from disillusionment about the egocentricity of the political atmosphere of the current world?
  3. Plant it in the ground. Maybe it will sprout more. Then maybe you can have a whole army of angry bananas!
  4. Walk away slowly. After all, what might an angry banana come up with to do to you? You never can tell.

Oh, look! I’m at about 250 words. I guess I’ll make this a two-part post! Thank you Fluffy!

…Blast. I mean, you’re welcome.

Maybe some day there will be actual content on this blog again…

Well, happy Thursday, folks! Tune in tomorrow for the 2nd half of the The Top Ten Responses to “You are given an Angry Banana: How do you respond?”