Category Archives: procrastinate

Extreme Shepherding: Extreme Sports got Fluffier

Hello, everyone!

I just saw one of the best. things. ever. Seriously. You need to watch this:

Wow. I don’t know what to say…

I know! Amazing, right?

Actually, I was thinking more “and you judge me for liking Pad Thai videos?”

Hey! Sheep, at least, are fluffy. Pad Thai isn’t very.

Oh, fine. I guess that there is more visible fluff in shepherding.

Thank you.

So, readers, what did you think? Have you ever seen extreme shepherding before? Or a fluffy extreme sport of any sort?

Hexaflexagons Part 3: Kaleidocycles

A friend just sent me the link to one of the other coolest things ever.

Let me guess: More cute owl photos?

No. And those qualify as cute, anyways, not “coolest thing ever.”

Rather, the link is to a 3D version of a hexaflexagon. So it’s, like, got dimensionality and stuff. It’s a toy called a Kaleidocycle. And they are really cool. You should definitely check it out! I definitely want to make one.

So… how does this qualify as “fluff”, exactly?

Uh, no discernible use?

…I guess that works.

As with hexaflexagons, if you get one working, do let me know?

Book Review: Dealing with Dragons

Just to make sure I don’t make a tradition, I’m reviewing one of my favorite books today. 🙂

That sounds dangerous…

Dealing with Dragons is actually well written! And intentionally funny.

As opposed to…?

Alibi Jr. High, for example. Basically, books that are so bad that they are funny.


But yes. Dealing with Dragon, by Patricia C. Wrede, is intentionally whimsical. It starts off with Princess Cimorene becoming a dragon’s princess.

I should have known. Let me guess, some knight in shining armor comes and rescues her? Typical fairy-tale fluff?

Well, sort of. Actually, Cimorene volunteers to be the Dragon’s princess. It’s a way for her to escape being normal. So the knights come, but she sends them away. And other stuff. It’s brilliant!

I guess I’ll take your word for it…

No, really! And there are amazing characters. For example, there’s the princes Alianora who’s also a dragon’s princess, but also not quite normal. For example, apparently at Alianora’s christening, an evil fairy comes-

-and curses her? That’s actually fairly common.

No. She doesn’t. And things keep on going not-quite-normally for that princess. It’s amusing.

Also, the Society of Wizards are the badguys. And Wtiches are the goodguys. (Not evil witches, of course, which do exist. No, there are some that are just magically inclined, and have their own natural magic which makes them witches. They’re nice.) And furthermore, witches can’t be melted but- Oh, I’m not going to spoil it for you. You should totally read it. And the sequels. Basically, Wrede does a masterful job of taking fairy-tale elements and twisting them. In other words I highly recommend it.

It twists traditional fairy-tales? I might actually like it, then… Maybe some day I’ll be able to read it.

If you can, you should!

Anyways, have a great day!

I Think Male Computer Scientists Might Not Think The Way I Do…

A few minutes ago, I couldn’t find Fluffy anywhere, and I was having trouble thinking of a decent post. So naturally, when I saw a friend of mine, I asked him if he had any ideas for something totally fluffy, not related to animals.

His answer?

Pad Thai. Not just Pad Thai. Videos of Pad Thai being cooked. By street venders. (He was quite emphatic on that point.)

I don’t know quite what I expected, but that certainly was not it.

You know. Personally, when I think fluffy, I think of Google Image Searching either “cute owls“, “pygmy owls“, kittens, or puppies. (Seriously, you should try this.)

Anywho, have a great day!

Distracting Pictures

So, Webmaster…

Yes, Fluffy?

Given that you haven’t written the post for March 5th yet, does that mean I get to again?

Oh, right! I haven’t written anything yet. Hmm. I mean…


Distraction Squirrel.


So, even though you didn’t write anything, you won’t let me write actual content for the post?



Ooh, I’ve got another perfect image for that!

Owl staring angrily at you

Fluffy Owl is not Amused

Really, you even decided to name the owl after me?

Well, doesn’t he look a bit like how you feel?

Ok, fair enough. But this still doesn’t make up for the lack of content.

Maybe not, but it worked, didn’t it?

Anyways, have a great day, folks!

Hexaflexagon Fascination

Hello, everyone!

Since there’s not much for a website to do except be online, I have recently started exploring the home of my friend YouTube. And I came across one of the more amazing channels out there: A channel devoted to fun math. If you don’t believe me, check out these links. (Even if you do believe me, you should still check them out.)


Hexaflexagons 1

Hexaflexagon Safety Tips

Flex Mex

As you can see, the creator of those videos is absolutely amazing. It’s times like this that I really wish I could actually do things with my hands.

Actually, don’t worry. You’re not missing too much; it’s a lot harder to make a hexaflexagon than it appears.

Oh? You’ve tried doing so?


Paper Hexagon

Hexaflexagon not trying to open.

Hexaflexagon closed.

The Hexaflexagon won’t open. I have issues.

Clearly something didn’t work as anticipated…

Ooh. Now I really wish I could try this myself… I wonder how easy it is to make the same mistake you did?

Thanks, Fluffy. I can always count on you to brighten my day, can’t I?

Of course! It’s one of my talents.

Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!


A friend of mine has introduced me to a game: “Bananagrams”.

It’s a rather fun game, and somewhat similar to scrabble. Another name for it is actually “Speed Scrabble.” Basically, all the tiles from scrabble go into the middle of the table (face-down), and there isn’t a board.

Tiles for Bananagrams

Bananagram Tiles

Each player then starts off with some number of tiles (twelve in our version.) Then each person tries to use their tiles to come up with as many connected words as possible. (Basically, imagine that you have your own small scrabble board in front of you.) More to the point, each person tries to use all their tiles. If someone does so, s/he shouts “peel”, and everyone takes a new tile.

Let me guess: Part of the purpose is to be as loud and obnoxious as possible when telling everyone to get a new tile?

How on Earth did you guess?

Alright, so it depends on who all is playing. There are some people who are so fast, they don’t have time to yell. Seriously. It’s like they’re just saying “Peelpeelpeelpeel…” over and over again. Those people are annoying.

Since you’re clearly not one of them, I’m not surprised.

How could you tell I’m not one of them?

You’re primarily writing this blog post in a monosyllabic vocabulary. With an occasional polysyllabic word to break up the monotony.

Oh. Good point.

Yeah, I’m not the best. But I have come up with a way to work against those wordier folks, though!

Oh? This worries me…

Yes. First, a bit more background. The game also lets you trade out tiles. You can put one of your tiles in the pile, and then take two more random tiles. Now, you can also put your discard tiles anywhere you choose. Also, you see, if someone calls “peel”, the players sometimes don’t look at where they take the tile from.

That makes it easier to damage other players’ tile selection. That way, if you get a harder to use word (like “Q”) you can put it in the area where the best choose from most often. That will sometimes slow them down, and may allow other players to catch up.

Even if that strategy doesn’t keep them from winning, it still can add laughter into the mix.

Anywho, I’ve found it to be a game that I surprisingly enjoy! I highly recommend trying it some time.


Hello, readers! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.

However, since it is a weekend, you might be feeling a bit bored. Not to worry! I have the solution! You can do some baking. But not just any baking; how about following the United States’ military 26-page recipe for brownies?

From what I can tell, this recipe originated for one or more of several reasons. The first is that the bureaucracy in America has taken over the world. The second is that the U.S. soldiers deserve the most time spent on their desserts. Of course, that does not mean the recipe must taste very good. Indeed, the dessert was designed to last, not necessarily to taste phenomenal.

Still, it’s definitely amusing seeing all the stipulations that get thrown into the recipe!

If you do actually make them, let me know?

Happy Saturday!

Banana Slicers

I know that I’m new to this world. But seriously, after finding out about the ostentatious wastes of money that exist, I thought I’d seen it all.

As it turns out, I was wrong. Horrifyingly wrong. Because, well, you see…



Banana slicers. You heard me. Designed to make perfectly even banana slices. Because knives are too dangerous for this fruit. Ten Dollars.

Oh, my…

“Oh, my” is the right response. I mean, have you even seen the reviews? A ninja who used to make money by perfectly slicing bananas for celebrities (top of the 1 star reviews)? I think I may have lost all faith in your-

-Oh, those are hilarious!

What’s hilarious?

Oh, sorry Fluffy. Um, you see, most of those reviews are written very tongue-in-cheek, and are definitely worth a read. Don’t worry, our world isn’t actually full of people who care too much about perfectly sliced bananas.

Wait, you don’t care?

Umm… Should I?

So, those reviews aren’t serious? Your world doesn’t actually care about perfectly sliced bananas?

Uh, no?

How can you not CARE? They’re bananas! They’re designed as a mental challenge: How can you perfectly slice them, to the optimal thickness! And… you don’t care!

… What just happened?

Nothing. I was just staying in practice for if I ever go back to acting.


But seriously. Knowing that those are tongue in cheek helps a bit. But who comes up with a banana slicer in the first place?

People on too much sugar and caffeine?

Fair enough.

Anyways, readers, have a great day!

My Favorite Ways to Procrastinate

Haha! I’ve finally beaten Fluffy to a Daily Fluff again.

Anyways, hello!

I’m sure most of you are human. As such, I’m also fairly sure that you sometimes want a way to procrastinate do something that may help you avoid doing something tedious that you probably ought to be doing. Or maybe you just need a way to take your mind off of stuff, and laugh. Well, I’m here to help you find some good ways to do that!

First of all, one of my favorite blogs: Cakewrecks. This is a blog devoted to cakes.

Cakes. How enthralling.

No need to be sarcastic, Fluffy. These aren’t just any cakes. No. These are Cakes that have been professionally made, but look… less than perfect. Or are just bizarre. (There are some very well done cakes that are just odd. Trust me.) I know it may not sound like a normal way to spend time, and it’s not! It’s funny and awesome. There have been several times that I’ve burst out laughing. Not only are the cakes amusing, but the commentary is phenomenal.

If you’ve already seen Cakewrecks and are caught up, one of the webcomics that I follow is Darths & Droids. This is especially for Star Wars & Gaming fans. The background is also quite amusing: What if Star Wars were actually a role play game, where none of the players knew about the universe? They start off with Phantom Menace, and are (as of right now) in the process of going through New Hope. This is another hilarious way to spend time. Seriously, there have been times I’ve about died of laughter. (Be sure to read the comments right after the comic. The creators give “tips” on how to run a RPG.)

In the category of “cute”, cuteoverload is always a good choice. I mean really, who can say no to pictures of adorable animals?

Do they have pictures of Horpadies?

I’ve never even heard of those. So no. What are they?

You don’t have Horpadies on your world? What a shame. They’re the cutest creature known to our world. They’re small, fuzzy, have these hugely oversized wings, and are known to melt people’s hearts. If they can be tamed, they make great pets. Of course, if they aren’t tamed they’re amazing predators.

Oh. We have something similar. They don’t have wings, and they aren’t always good pets, but they’re called “Polar Bear Cubs.” Or maybe “wolf puppies.” I think that site has some pictures and videos of both.

Back to the more geeky, another webcomic that my sister introduced me to is Girl Genius. This is a steampunk style amazing comic. First of all, it’s all about mad scientists. How can you beat that? Second, it totally brings to life a new world, with different cultures. There are monsters that have to have the right hat (and speak in a definite accent), there’s a castle that is alive and has an evil sense of humor, and there’s one scene that is about coffee. In a hilarious, “oh my heavens I need to read that again” sort of way. And the art is also phenomenal. Heads up, it takes a little bit to get into, but it’s well worth it. And they’re still updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So that’s a plus. (Or a minus, depending on whether you prefer reading a finished story, or there still being more to read.)

Last for today, again in the category of “cute”, Simon’s Cat videos are also amazing. I’ve never owned a cat, but I’ve been around enough to realize that these animated shorts fully capture the epitome of “cat”. And they’re just darling. I think I watched “Let Me In” multiple times in a row the first time I saw it. It’s absolutely priceless.

I hope you find something to help keep you entertained!