Category Archives: pointless

Boring things I’m calling comfortable (2/6): Towels

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Good news, Fluffsters! Only 5 days left in the “Comfort” theme.

In honor of this being the last week, I’m going to be doing a series on things that are normally boring, but that I’m calling comfortable for the sake of fitting the theme. So yesterday’s was Socks. Today, I’ll be writing about towels.

…At least you’re being honest.

I know, right? But anywho, here’s the post:

Comfortable Towels

There are a few things that make a towel comfortable.

1) fluffiness. A towel is more likely to be comfortable if it’s really fluffy. Of course, that might also lead to clogged drains in the washer, which can lead to flooding in the laundry room, and therefore wet socks the next time you go out to check laundry, which leads to a cold and pneumonia and none of those things are comfortable. But at least your towel’s comfy!

2) Softness. Although at first glance this is the same thing as fluffiness, it’s actually not. Something can be soft without being fluffy, and fluffy without being soft. Terrycloth especially, which is what most towels are made of, is an example of that type of fabric. But yeah. Soft towels are much softer-

-There’s a surprise.

– And softer is usually more comfortable. For things like that. Once again, it would not be comfortable to use a soft knife.

I mean, can you imagine trying to cut a steak with a soft knife? It just wouldn’t work. And then you’d be uncomfortable because of hunger. Or grease all over your face and fingers as you couldn’t use utensils. 🙁

3) Length / size. Bigger is better. ’nuff said.

So, there you go! Here’s the second boring thing that I’m calling comfortable in this series. And what about you, Fluffsters? What’s your most comfortable towel like?

Comfortable Socks

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Hello, Fluffsters!

D’you know something else that’s comfortable? Socks.

I love socks. As long as they’re fun, that is. For example, I have about five useable pairs of socks that I love.

Two of the pairs are (according to the label) knee highs. One pair is bright hot pink(!) and the other pair is white with different colored hearts on it.

I also have some “seasonal” socks, but that doesn’t stop me in the spring. You see, they’re penguin socks. And really cute! Penguins are like owls, but they can’t fly. And they’re located in a slightly colder area.



My other two pairs that I really like are Muppet themed. The green pair is, of course, Kermit themed. The other (a bit to my surprise) is Animal themed. I am a bit surprised that they aren’t Miss Piggy, but that’s fine. I really like them!

What about you, Fluffsters? Do you have a favorite pair of socks?

Hot or Cold?

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday! Are you having a good weekend?

Where I am, the weather was amazingly comfortable yesterday. It was in the 40s-50s.

In case you can’t tell, I like cooler weather. After all, you can always put another layer on. You can’t always take another layer off…

But what about you? Do you prefer warmer or cooler temperatures? Which are more comfortable?

Thunderstorm!! And Dream House Thoughts.

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There was a (small) thunderstorm or two yesterday afternoon. That made me happy.

One of my favorite things to do is sit in a window-ledge when it’s storming outside, and maybe reading a book. There are few things more comforting than having a good book, comfy pillows, and maybe a mug of hot chocolate (which I didn’t have) while watching the storm come down outside. A fluffy blanket is also good.

So, my window ledges are awesome. There’s a place I can go to that has delightful trapezoidal windows with a nice ledge that’s quite wide enough for sitting. When I have a house of my own, I really hope I can get a nice window ledge (or three!) like that. Especially up just a little bit. Being able to look out over some stuff is really cool. Sort of like what I imagine being in a climate-controlled castle would be like. (Ooh, look! Alliteration!) If I do get a window ledge like that, though, I also really want to put in real cushions. Make it sort of a couch-y thing. And maybe have a slightly straighter place for a backrest. That’s not too picky, is it?

Given you, probably not.

I wasn’t actually asking you, Fluffy. I was asking our readers.

So, fluffsters, I have two questions for you: 1) What is your most comfortable place to be in a storm, and 2) what is one feature your dream house has?

Real Fluffy Rabbit!!!

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I was out enjoying nature today, which is comfortable for me (see how I pulled in the theme?), and I (almost literally) ran into the most adorable bunny rabbit I’d seen all day!

Sideview of a fluffy cute bunny rabbit

Isn’t it cute?

I wasn’t able to get a good photo of it being extra cute, but it ate a dead leaf, and some dandelions, and it was just adorable.

You’re hopeless, you know that?


… Nevermind.

Anywho, Fluffsters, happy Thursday! Just think, it’s almost Friday! You can do it!

Things That Are Comfortable

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Less than 10 days left in this theme-challenge! Yes!

Anywho. I’m going to list a few things that are comfortable, because I’m sortof not thinking of anything else to write, at the moment.

1) Sleep. Sleep is very comfortable. Unless you’re in a bad position, or having a nightmare. Then it’s not. But it often is. Oh, and when you’re dreaming of falling, that’s also not comfortable. And I’m sure there are other instances as well when sleep is comfortable…

Seriously, do you have to prove yourself wrong all the time?

Probably not. I just don’t want to be sued for false information!

Would that require readers?

Shh! Don’t scare them off!

Anyways. As I was saying. Another thing that’s comfortable is lotion. Especially if it’s high quality. And not too slimy. And when you’re not then going to be either eating an apple or opening a door.

Although I guess that if you’re eating, it’s still comfortable. It just tastes nasty.

Soft puppy-dogs are also comfortable. Especially if they’re snuggly. 🙂

A smiley? You actually used a smiley?

Did you seriously just say three things over the course of four questions? That takes talent, Fluffy!

And the last thing for today is:

3) Velvet. I love high quality velvet. It’s so soft and squishable! And smooth, and just soo comfortable to feel and hold and wear and, yeah.

So, what about you, Fluffsters? What’s something you find comfortable that’s not on this list?

Colored Comforts

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Today’s topic is color.

Back home, Colors sometimes have magical significance. It’s a bit hard to explain, since I’m not a magician, but basically colors get associated with certain aspects. These aspects usually have emotions associated with them. Just to clarify, the colors themselves are not magical. They are just used in magic, and sometimes attract magical influences. Because of this, some colors are extremely closely related to the emotion of comfort or relaxation in my mind.

Gem tones and blues especially have aspects of comfort associated with them.

Deep red is normally used for comfort in mourning. The red brings to mind the loss of the loved one, but yet it’s still comforting. I assume the Color Sprites are involved somehow.

Purple is especially good for comforting children. I have no clue why. It’s possible that the Purple Color Sprites have a more maternal aspect to them, but I seriously don’t know.

Blue of any shade is a more generic comfort. It works for every situation that needs comfort, but is not as effective in specific situations.

Green, and especially emerald, attract home-comfort Color Sprites. More to the point, it attracts the Color Sprites that are fond of growing things. Because of this, many houses with large gardens will have large amounts of green worked into the color scheme.

As I said, though, it’s not just the color that is important. The colors also need to work well together in order to attract the Color Sprites. So there is a tangible benefit to decorating the interior of a house well. You can’t just have red and green forced together in a hideous manner; that usually causes any positive magical influence to leave, and instead attracts mischievous magics.

But what about your world? Are there any colors that are associated with comfort or anything like that on your world?

Comfortable Places to Read

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a fan of fantasy. I really like reading. One of the hard things, though, is finding a good place to read. That’s really hard!

You can come up with questions about muffin flavored shrimp, but finding a place to read is hard?

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

But as I was saying. It’s sometimes hard to find a good place to read. But I have my own preferences. And they fall into two main categories.

What, places that fall into a nice category, and those that don’t?

Oh, hush. Anyways.

Places to read.


If I’m reading inside, it needs to be a squishy place. A couch chair with arms may be optimal. But sometimes on my bed is another good place. Basically, as long as I can lean back, and not need to exercise my arm muscles in order to read, I’m happy. In other words, lounging is best.


I’m a lot pickier for outside reading. A good location must fit several criteria.

First, it can’t be too populated. Actually, this sort of goes for any reading spot. But yeah.

Second, it needs to not be messy. I can’t be really comfortable if I know that I’m ruining a set of clothing, and might need to take a shower just because of reading.

Third, it can’t be too hot or cold. Or wet. After all, you really can’t read a book in the rain. (At least, not very well.) So, yeah.

So, these are the criteria for my reading spots! How about you, Fluffsters? What makes a comfy reading spot for you?

Three Types of Comfortable Showers

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Greetings, Fluffsters, and welcome back to today’s… FLUFF OF THE DAY!

This is your host, the Webmaster, and this-

What the Redivka is going on?!

no, No, NO! You got the line wrong! You’re supposed to wait for me to say “and this is my sidekick: ”

And then you say, “Fluffy McGiggles!”

“Sidekick”? I’ve been demoted to SIDEKICK?!

And you still didn’t answer what’s going on!

Actually, it’s something of a promotion to get up to sidekick!

But as I was saying.

Today’s episode will feature showers. Yes, folks, you read that right! Showers! I am going to talk to you about

3 types of comfortable showers

This will categorize showers into three types, based on temperature!

You realize you’ve sunk to a new low, right?

You’re just jealous you didn’t think of this first.

As I was saying:

1) Scalding hot. These are especially good for when you’ve been working really hard and it’s cold outside. You can feel the ickyness essentially melt off. Also useful for when you’re just really freezing. There’s nothing like a few hundred gallons of nearly scalding water being dumped on top of you to warm you up!

2) Fairly warm. These are good for normal times. Nothing particularly exerting, and when it’s not too cold where you are. I don’t think I really need to say too much more here.

You actually, really didn’t need to say anything at all.

3) Cool to Cold showers. Absolutely perfect when you need to cool down, but don’t have access to a pool or something. As with warming up, there’s no better way to cool off than dumping frigid water on your head! It really works.

Anyways, how about you, Fluffsters? Any particular category of shower that you’d add?

Why my bed is so comfortable.

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Hello, everyone! Happy Wednesday. I guess. I just really don’t want to get out of bed right now…

Please don’t tell me you’re writing a fluff post about why you’re not getting out of bed…

Ooh, that’s a good idea! Thanks, Fluffy!

Seriously?! No. Please, no!

You bet! And if I turn it into a list, I bet some people will even read about:

5 reasons why my bed is so comfortable.

Blast. You’re actually doing it. When will I learn?

5) The blanket. My blanket is really great! It’s warm, and soft, and cozy, and just comfortable.

4) The Pillow. It’s soft. It lets my head sink in. And did I mention it’s soft? So yeah. It’s super comfortable. Combined with the blanket, and it’s practically perfect.

3) I’m really tired. I have not been getting enough sleep. It’s exam time, which means lots of late nights, and packing and stuff. Tiredness makes my bed really comfortable!

2) The environment. It’s nice and cool, and still relatively dark, and just very nice. And relaxing. And relaxing is comforting. And comforting is comfortable. So the environment is a comfortable environment!

1) It’s not comfortable outside my bed. I’m not the tidiest person, so I need to do a bit of acrobatics to get out of bed without stepping on anything. I’d just as soon not do the acrobatics, or step on anything. The best way to do that is to stay comfortable in my bed. So, all in all, staying in bed seems like a pretty good idea!

So, how about you Fluffsters? What’s the number one thing that makes your bed extra comfortable?